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You bet kid!

It's pretty good. Not as good as Ouendan, IMO, but still good.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Because your such a JAPANESE ELITIST!!!!!!111!11!!

We don't need gay cheerleaders...IN AMERICA! We need tough CIA members!

So, do the songs have words, or not?


Irate Pirate
The song list looks very dodgy, quantity over quality, it's nothing on the tunes of Ouendan. Little things like the fonts used and to a lesser extent the characters just make it seem much more Americanized and it has less of the crazy Japanese charm. Despite this the gameplay still makes it worth playing and the multiplayer is better


Old Coot
Who cares what's on it? It's made by the same guys who made Ouendan and still looks fun as hell.

That and it's only $30.

I have Ouendan, though I'm also looking into grabbing EBA.


Super Gamer
LOL - I got Ouendan a few days ago, and I can't beat the FMA theme song on Easy or Normal mode at all, lol.

While I'm not impressed with EBA's song list, the Japanese weren't impressed with Ouendan's songs either - the game is more popular among importers apparently.

I like Earth, Wind, and Fire and Hoobastank is okay, I also like Madonna. But I totally hate ABC123 - I would rather see something like Thriller in there, lol. David Bowie is okay as well. YMCA was cool when I was 5, I'm 17 now, lol. Queen is good. Survivor is a good song I guess...lol.

Sum41 - I didn't really like them too much...

Yucky - Good Charlotte, Ashlee Simpson, Avril Lavigne, Jackson 5, wtf - Chicago?,

I think Deep Purple is a Japanese band IIRC...

But despite that fact, since it's from iNiS, it has to be cool. I'll totally get this game for Christmas since I love Ouendan so much, lol.



It seems Elite Beat Agents has scored quite well among critics, for what the fan-base has hyped it up to be. I'm sure getting it, and maybe also Ouendan with it. I don't really care about the quality of the song list anymore, but as long as they are fun to play, that's all I really want out of it.
But yeah, EBA is something I'm going to pick up - along with its Japanese counterpart.


Well-Known Member
I have it, it´s super!!!!!!
I completed agent ´Spin´ and ´J´, but ´Chieftain´ i unlocked is very hard, i can´t complete the sisters level and ninja level.............