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You guys Appreciate Abstract Art right?

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Here is my latestest endeavor: Weaved Lightning



This was orginally meant to be melded with one of my other drawings (Rey Cosplay), but I couldn't figure out how to make it work in GIMP so I just polished it a bit and made it an abstract piece of art for some reason. Gah! I am not much of an abstract artist, but I liked it enough to throw it here. Then again I haven't had much sleep the last couple days.
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Blah. It's alright, but I think the weave effect just makes the pic look tacky. Lightning isn't bad, but its pretty easy to tell how you made it. I take you use pant shop pro?

Just keep trying, you'll get better.


Feraligatr said:
Blah. It's alright, but I think the weave effect just makes the pic look tacky. Lightning isn't bad, but its pretty easy to tell how you made it. I take you use pant shop pro?

Just keep trying, you'll get better.
I used GIMP I spent a bit of time making the lightning look as it does.

Thanks for the comments!


Well-Known Member
I think that the weaving look makes it more interesting. ^^

It doesn't really look like lightning, but it's very cool anyway. ^^


God of Fusions
What program do you use?


umbreot said:
What program do you use?
I used GIMP, it has a lot of features and it has served me well for some time now. Thank you for your comments.
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