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You know what I find funny, yet rude?

kuro mizu

.//SPPF's Emo Ninja+
There are no african-americans in the pokemon anime or the games. Probably because they are set in japan and african-americans are the minority there...

does anybody else agree with me??


Leave my posts alone
Since the origins are Japan, it would make sense that most people are (not being stereotypical) white, and that African Americans are rare.

What about Brock? What's he?

Topaz Archer

Well, people would complain if they did. You KNOW they would find a loop hole how the role is racist. Yet people complain that they don't have African- Americans.


Well-Known Member
Need we look back at the entire Jynx fiasco... avoiding any possible law suits might be the point, even though the point of it being set in Japan is entirely relavant.



The new tuxedo look!
As long as there aren't any lawsuits, I'm happy.:)
Well, there is reason why there isn't any Afro-Amercians in the Amine, Is because.... There can never be! You can people immagrating from African Countries, they can be known as Afro-Japanese.

But that aside, We've already had enough of the Jinx fiasco, maybe that's another reason as well.


Furret rocks
Probably because of the Jynx controversy.
Yeah. Black people, Japan.

Although wasn't that Ghost type girl of the E4 from Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald a Pacific Islander?


The PokeMaster!
Let's not go into the Jynx thing again. Although, I've heard in America, the episode "Holiday Hi-Jynx" is banned, as is "The Ice Cave" because of people thinking Jynx was racist for it's PURPLE SKIN! How many people do you know have purple skin anyway?

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
The whole Jynx thing was a farce. Shows how far people will go to make money.

I really don't think Nintendo will risk going through that again, especially in today's world of political correctness gone mad.

But it doesn't really bother me anyway, why should it?
I thought the whole reason for the Jynx lawsuit was that Jynx looks like blackface. They could easily include black people in the Pokemon games, without being sued, if they make the black people look like real black people. Instead of making them look like this.


Strawberry fields.
I'm bi-racial, and my brother is Japanese and we've never had any sort of clashing while growing up.

Jynx is to blame for this... Misunderstanding. Jynx was probably portrayed off of the legendary African-American soprano, Leontyne Price.


TC, How do you find this topic funny yet rude?

I don't think that the lack of African-American characters is such big deal tbh.


Well-Known Member
There was one.
remember the psychic trainer in G/S/C? Will was his name if I can remember right.

He was african looking

No, Will wore a black mask. E.g. http://www.serebii.net/manga/characters/will.shtml

Anyway, I saw this today and was wondering where to post it, and I've found the perfect place:
In the top left, click on science and look at what colour the woman's skin is. Surprising, eh? ;) She looks quite nice too, if I may add :D

...Don't ask how I got to that page ¬_¬


Just because a race isn't shown doesn't mean it's racism that that race is not included...

In many cases, affirmative action is far too overrated...