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You know you've played too much video games when...


<== Wanna Hug Him?
Got this idea after reading one in the anime forum. Like before, don't forget to put game references in brackets.

You know you're played too much video games when...

1.) You think you could grow big after eating mushrooms. (Super Mario Bros.)
2.) You sign up for martial arts classes and expecting to learn to perform a Hadoken or Dragon Punch. (Street Fighter)
3.) Fear that Pirahna Plants would pop out of the drain while you're bathing. (Super Mario Bros.)
4.) Having tons of game-related merchandise diplayed everywhere.
5.) Imitating the lives played in The Sims.
6.) Creating a bigass sword the size of you. (Final Fantasy 7)
7.) Buying yourself an ostrich farm just to ride them like a horse (Final Fantasy series)

Your turn...


8.) When instead of thinking up funny lists, you list you're problems.


Mush! Mush!
9) You realise that you could probably punch everyone until their defeat and then they turn into an item you can pick up and either gain Health or Energy or it's an item you can equip to increase Speed, Power, Endurance or Strength (Legacy of Goku II/Buu's Fury)

10) Suddenly you think running around with Rocket Launchers, shooting down at the ground after jumping can get you up to a higher level of land without killing you (Various games, mainly Half-Life).

11) If you do sidequests for people you may get items to help you further in life. (Most RPGs)


12)Throw a ball an animal and expect the ball to open up and capture the animal.


The magic of Pokemon
13. You have a large collection of hats for no good reason, depending on which hero you want to imitate at that point in time (ever notice that most game heroes wear hats or some other form of head gear?)

14. Said hat collection includes:

a red hat with an "M" on it (Mario)
a green floppy hat (Link)
a hat with a Poke ball design on it (Ash)

Pokemon Master Elite

15) You're running around and shooting people who you think are infected by Parasites. (Resident Evil 4)

16) You grab a hammer and smash everything you see to try to extract elements. (Atelier Iris)

17) Focus your mind for 72+ hours straight trying to move a wooden pillar without actually touching it. (Golden Sun 1+2)


Mush! Mush!
18) You get out a Light Saber and smash people to bits, assuming they'll regather in a minute. (Lego Star Wars)

19) You run around stealing cars and finding the nearest Mafia boss and then say you live in Liberty/Vice City (GTA III/VC)

20) You think that if you are 100% healthy that a sword that isn't wooden can kill people from distances by firing a beam (Zelda - Several of them).

21) When you run down a black hole you know you'll resurface at the entrance (Zelda, Pokemon and possibly other games).

22) You pit your toys one by one in a battle that can be armed combat or not on certain battle stages. (Suber Smash Bros)

23) You think driving a motorbike up a huge mountain cliff and then riding that for a while gets you blown off it (Motorcross Madness)

24) If you are being chased by cops the best solution is that if you stop, they stop (Midtown Madness)

25) Same as 24 but trying to kill it with a huge dumptruck works (Midtown Madness)

26) You realise that whether or not you obey the road rules you still get chased by cops (MM again)

Cless Aileron

Tales Fanatic
27. You think you have an ancient sword that's actually alive that only certain people can hear it speak and it can even help you cast magic spells. (Tales of Destiny).
28. You try to cast a powerful healing spell to save a dying tree. (Tales of Phantasia)
29. You actually own a ship called the "Van Eltia". (Tales of Eternia)
30. You sneak around by using a cardboard box. (Metal Gear series)
31. You wear a watch that you think is a V-watch and you even try to transform by yelling, "Henshin-a-go-go, baby!" (Viewtiful Joe series)
32. You try to take your enemies' ability after you defeated them. (Mega Man series)
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Mush! Mush!
OOC: How many "Tales of" games are there?!

33) You think you can go around trying to get any hot chick you want (Leisure Suit Larry)

The Battousai

34) When you train your dog to beat up cats in hope of it transforming (pokemon)

35) You paint your face to disguise yourself from family members(mgs)

36) You have completed every single final fantasy game 100% including number three which never came to America, XI an online game, and X-2 which is reffered to as a spin-off (my friend Joseph actually did this, he imported FFIII)


Well-Known Member
36) When you have release dates for games you're looking forward to scribbled all over your school diary (ME!)


37) When You Play Nintendogs Don't Come Back To Them, Don't Die. Then You Do That To Your Real Dogs And There Dead. (Ohhh Poor Doggies...)


Its all you ever seem to think about (Final Fantasy 7)

Chaos Zero

(37) When you play The sims outside

(38) You see a video game character in front of you.


Mush! Mush!
40) You realise you got enough room for a game to be installed on your harddisk so you scream and buy a 100 Gig harddisk (Yeah I will probably by one soon but not because of that)

41) You realise your CPU speed is WAY too slow so you have to get a new one (Did happen to me. Thank goodness my brother's getting a new CPU)


<== Wanna Hug Him?
42) You scattered medicine capsules onto the bathroom floor or kitchen counter hoping to kill germs. (Dr. Mario)

43) You don a sailor suit and look for three college students to beat up. (Street Fighter)

44) You try to get your virtual pet to "jack in" and fight the viruses and worms that infected the Internet. (Mega Man NT Warrior)

45) You carry a strange device on back that sprays water in order to help clean the graffiti off the walls. (Super Mario Sunshine)

Super sayain demon

Walk round with a huge sword on you'r back ( FF7 )