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"You like still play Pokémon?" What?! NO WAY.


Strawberry fields.
"You like still play Pokémon?" What?! NO WAY.

People play Pokémon in incognito. Everybody does it, but nobody wants to talk about it. xD


Is it really that embarrassing?

I think so. xD


The fad's dead, but it still lives on, much like Zelda and Mario.


I don't. I've played the games in public many times. I'm 20. If I still gave a crap about petty things like this at this point, I'd have problems.


Its not that bad, unless you start playing during classes. Then peeps get annoyed. People know my friend and I play Pokemon. I'm not vocal about it, but he is. Nobody really cares.
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.:Daisy Dancing:.
It's a tad imbarrassing, especially if people question you about it, and you just know that they don't like it. But I know for a fact that people still play it.

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
I was really embarassed... I never said the word pokemon when I was infront of someone I didn't want to find out about it. I said 'monster'. But then, I started to help a friend in his Emerald game, borrowed a friend my LeafGreen game and suddenly... BOOM! Everyone had a pokemon game! I know everybody still likes it bt they're afraid of what people think about it. Maybe that's why when I started helping my friend and nobody said anything about it, it was that people finally came out of their hidding spots. A lot of people I know now are planning on getting Diamond. They say Parukia is pink and gay. I say he's purple and cool, but let's see when they're crying out loud for Pearl exclusives, who'll help them...


Skarmory Rider
Oh yeah I hide that I play pokemon. My school has to be one of the most stuck-up schools in the national cause even if you mention pokemon people get suspicious and it takes WEEKS to clear your name. and in those weeks? you get teased and laughed at every single day. And I have a strong confidence and it still gets broken down. There's a group of about five of us that play and out of all of us they say im the one whose made it the highest on the high school social scale that still plays pokemon.

Vent's Theme

Pretty Dolls
I'm not particularly embarrassed by it, but, then again, it's not the sort of thing I'd broadcast to those I'm not already fairly friendly with. I'm not so much worried about what they think of me, so much as that it's one of those things that would inhibit some people from actually getting to know you, kinda like a weird fetish, or the fact that you play D&D XP

Vent's Theme :'And then, my Raichu used Volt Tackle and Misty was all OHEZ SNAP and I got a Cascade Badge!' **Looks Enthusiastic**

Girl/Guy in club : 'Uhhm, yeah. That's...nice. I have to go now, and, uhm, douse my head in acid... yeah, that's plausible!' **Flees**

See what I mean?
Only if they keep pestering you about it, I usually randomly shout out stuff when I playing pokemon in public

Vent's Theme

Pretty Dolls
Kojiro said:
I've kissed a boy. I at one point wanted to be like a girl at my school.

So, letting people know is like...no big deal.

Yeah, I can see how, in a High School situation, Pokemon might be the least of your worries. : /

It's a shame that people can't be more open about those kinds of things in general, or that it's somehow ingrained in children that such things are somehow wrong. /offtopic


Pitch Black Soul
yes, I try not to mention pokemon to many new people


I've kissed a boy. I at one point wanted to be like a girl at my school.

So, letting people know is like...no big deal.


I've been caught more than once on Serebii at school. It isn't a big deal. Can't say I've ever kissed a guy though. Or a girl for that matter. Now its time for me to go cry about my lack of social skills.


Pitch Black Soul
hey dude, where did you get that avatar? I cant find out where you get them, Ive searched every topic


Oh yeah I hide that I play pokemon. My school has to be one of the most stuck-up schools in the national cause even if you mention pokemon people get suspicious and it takes WEEKS to clear your name. and in those weeks? you get teased and laughed at every single day. And I have a strong confidence and it still gets broken down. There's a group of about five of us that play and out of all of us they say im the one whose made it the highest on the high school social scale that still plays pokemon.

Same situation with me,if someone ever say the words play,watch or pokemon on the same line in my school(the order doesn't matter,seriously) ,lets just say the unlucky one will have an intense social life from now on.

Canis Lupus

Well-Known Member
Hah, if I told anyone but my friends taht I play, I'd never get rid of it. Kids hate me 'cause I'm smart. Gossip comes. Not good.


My only shiny <3
Heh. I don't admit I play Pokemon to anyone outside my Japanese class. There are also a few people in my English class that know I play Pokemon but they don't say anything, they just leave it alone and I'm greatful for that. However, most of the people at my school will do nasty things to you if they find out you like Pokemon. I think its stupid that they do that because they're most likely being hipocrytes since nearly everyone liked Pokemon when it first came out. I think the world would be far better off if more people played Pokemon and admitted it, but that's just me.