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You press the red button

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Well-Known Member
This is a fun and simple game. All you have to do is post what happens to the user above. At the end, just post the you press the buttton.

I press the big red button....

[EDIT] I made a button!
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Well-Known Member
a pikachu's head came out

*presses button*
The world exploads and we all die!
-presses red button-


Well-Known Member
nothing happens

*presses red button*

oogie boogie

psychic psycho
zombies come from the ashes

presses button


I'm baaaaaack
Every time you press it, another flesh eating Alligator comes out and rips your skin off and eats it.

*pushes red button*


Well-Known Member
A wild Seviper comes and eats you alive

*presses button*
-presses red button-
A mountain falls on you
-presses red button-
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