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You Said A Mouthful! (286)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
You Said A Mouthful!

On his way to the next gym, Ash sees a sign saying about a trainer who has a Pelipper and is eager to battle as he has never lost. It turns out this Pelipper can do attacks no ordinary Pelipper can do. Can Ash find out whats going on?

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Hah, that episode was weird. I was confused when the Pelipper had the Pokeball sound coming out of it's mouth, but then I figured what happened. :)

Space Skitty

Hoenn Champion
Pelipper must have a big mouth to be able to hold all those Pokeballs! But it was a good idea to make Pelipper do that on terms of cheating.


Team Awesome
You know, when comparing this episode to season 7's "Cheer Pressure", I still have to say that Anthony was a bigger cheater than the guy helping out Team Rocket in that later episode. I think Anthony was a big jerk for having his pelliper do attacks it couldn't possibly do just to win, and didn't like that he ended up not paying for it.


team rocket should get themselves a pelliper cause it will be an eas way to steal pokemon.
What a big cheater >_>, at first I didn't know what was going on, then I figured it out halfway through
When I saw the Pelipper doing those attack, I was really confused. Then I got the picture after a while, but I thought that Anthony should've been punished instead of his cheating being forgotten.


Well-Known Member
When I originally saw this episode I figured out right away that Anthony & his Pelipper must be cheating, certainly a risky move keeping Pokeballs in Pelippers mouth especially since you'd think Water Gun would spray them all out, also it's really risky keeping an electric type in Pelipper's mouth since Pelipper is Water-Flying type, I didn't like how this episode ended Anthony basically got off free instead of Ash or Brock laying into him.


Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought that what Anthony did was seriously wrong. Cheating is never okay under any circumstances. I knew exactly what was going on almost as soon as Pelliper first used Vine Whip. I'm glad that Anthony was eventually taught a lesson, but I'm not sure he wouldn't do it again since he really recieved no punishment. I liked how May was making fun of Max throughout the episode for being wrong. I think May is really learning more and more about pokemon every day. I wondered how Pelliper's Water Gun didn't knock everything in its mouth out though.


Let's go to the beach, each.
Geez, how many cheaters do we have in this anime?

I thought they could've shown Pelipper somewhere more suited to it's natural environment like the sea.

Apart from that and the cheating, I thought having Pokemon in Pelipper's mouth was brilliant. 7/10


I think Pelipper is a strong pokemon, although it cheated vs Ash.
It wasn't so good episode, i didn't like it.

popcorn dragon

Well-Known Member
First I didn't even know what was going on. This is probably the only pokemon episode that I've watched and had that happen.


Well-Known Member
Quite a good episode. You would think those trainers would be smart enough to refuse to battle TR when James said that they would lose their pokemon if they lost against Pelliper.