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Your Dynamic Duo!


ooo, what's cooking?
yo people, the 3000 is in the house! I think this is a very good thread to start, because ur pokemon of choice is who u r. Alright, the topic starter is an ez, commonly asked question. Out of the 9 starters (Not D/P yet, srry, I'll add that after this thread gets headway)
which would u choose, u can pick evolutions too, like instead of piking a squirtle, u can pick blastoise if u like um better. Now the big BIG question. What 1 other pokemon would u choose. If it's from D/P, it's okay for the second guy, but if u can, make a sprite for the guy so i can see the poke u choose( i haven't memeorized da names yet cause they japanese so far)
So 1 starter and ur fav pokemon. I don care if that is the worst combo ever, i only care to see ur dream duo.
I'll start this out. My starter is meganium, and my pokemon is obviously Little Latias.
P.S. I'm not a girl, i just happen to like the cute pink pokemon more is all.
Pottaishi and Goukazaru.


Well-Known Member
Blaziken and Umbreon
Sceptile and Swellow

Those are what I usally go for, depending on my starter on emerald.

latino heat

Mexican pride
Swampert and Houndoom
Pure power


Belgian Waffles!!!
Charizard or blaziken and salamence.


<I'll never get one
Charmander thrown at the enemy in a massive ball of fire by mewtwo


Leave my posts alone
Crobat and Swablu (Batman and Robin!)

Sceptile and Manetric for me! Yet to test D/P, so no go here.


Well-Known Member
Naetoru and Marshtomp



Good at Life.
DEFINITELY my Medicham and Alakazam.

Black Belt and Black Mage combine to destroy everything. Period.


Wortortale and Blaziken.



These three...

Espeon and Umbreon (I'm a Nightlightshipper, what do you expect?)

Ninetales and Arcanine (Yeah, I know, a bad combo, but I don't care. Blame Deputy55, it sorta grew on me and I started liking it.)

Absol and Vaporeon (Also a Darkwatershipper...)


Confusion is bliss
Dre, read ALL of the first post...
probly typhlosion and gardevoir...they rock


my starter pokemon is Blastoise my favorite pokemon is metagross
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Serial Fangirl
Absol and Manectric.

I pwn everything with them. Mwahahahahahaha......


Stabby McStabface
Swamperuto and Gardevoirudo
Blaziken and Eruraido
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READ THE DAMN FIRST POST!!!sorry but read it, it sais to choose one of the 9 first starters and then choose a favorite pokemon you can pair it up with.

I choose Charizard and Groudon!


For a burn-your-*ss-off and shake-you-off-your-feet team!