ooo, what's cooking?
yo people, the 3000 is in the house! I think this is a very good thread to start, because ur pokemon of choice is who u r. Alright, the topic starter is an ez, commonly asked question. Out of the 9 starters (Not D/P yet, srry, I'll add that after this thread gets headway)
which would u choose, u can pick evolutions too, like instead of piking a squirtle, u can pick blastoise if u like um better. Now the big BIG question. What 1 other pokemon would u choose. If it's from D/P, it's okay for the second guy, but if u can, make a sprite for the guy so i can see the poke u choose( i haven't memeorized da names yet cause they japanese so far)
So 1 starter and ur fav pokemon. I don care if that is the worst combo ever, i only care to see ur dream duo.
I'll start this out. My starter is meganium, and my pokemon is obviously Little Latias.
P.S. I'm not a girl, i just happen to like the cute pink pokemon more is all.
which would u choose, u can pick evolutions too, like instead of piking a squirtle, u can pick blastoise if u like um better. Now the big BIG question. What 1 other pokemon would u choose. If it's from D/P, it's okay for the second guy, but if u can, make a sprite for the guy so i can see the poke u choose( i haven't memeorized da names yet cause they japanese so far)
So 1 starter and ur fav pokemon. I don care if that is the worst combo ever, i only care to see ur dream duo.
I'll start this out. My starter is meganium, and my pokemon is obviously Little Latias.
P.S. I'm not a girl, i just happen to like the cute pink pokemon more is all.