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Your Favorite Pokemon Episodes


Well-Known Member
Im putting some pokemon episodes onto my PSP, so far I have three

The episode where ash beats gary(I edited it so it could be 1 episode)
The episode where ash looses to the guy with the blaziken (also edited into 1 episode)
And the Charizard vs articuno episode

whats your favorite episode and why????


The New AG...
Don't know exactly what putting episodes into a PSP has to do with favorite episodes but:

favorite episodes:

Pocket Monsters
1. Richie Episode
2. First episode in Johto
3. Falkner Gym Battle
4. Harrison/Gary Battles
5. Hoenn Alone

Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation
1. Whiscash and Ash
2. There's No Place Like Hoenn
3. First Pokemon! Last battle
4. End of a Journey, yet beginning of a Journey
5. Aipom ep.
1. Decisive Battle!
2. End of the Pokemon League!
3. Fierce Fighting! Pokemon Girls' Fesitval
4. Growlithe and James!
5. Legend of the Surfing Pikachu!

Orange Islands
1. Lorlei of the Elite Four! Ice Duel!
2. Winner's Cup! 6 vs. 6!
3. Tag Match! The Last Gym!
4. Charizard! I Choose You!
5. Nurse Sailing Raging Waves!

1. Tournament Finals! Full Battle 6 vs. 6!
2. Charizard Valley! Until We Meet Again!
3. Blackthorn City Gym! The Final Badge!
4. Goldenrod Gym! Speed and Power?!?
5. Riddle Superhero! Gliger Man!

1. Dancing Battle! Ludicolo!
2. Heat Battle! Win the Blazing Battle!
3. Decisive Battle! Grand Festival! 3
4. To the Tournament Finals! Every Day A Heated Battle!
5. A Lot of Tailow! A Lot of Danger! Capture in Petalburg Woods!

Battle Frontier
1. Fierce Fighting at the Battle Pike! VS Pike Queen Lucy!
2. Munchlax's Battle Debut! Harley & Taking the Game Seriously!
3. May VS Drew! The Final Battle!
4. Battle Dome! Fusion of Fire and Water!
5. May VS Drew! Rivals Forever

Sushi Bunny

ハチミツをたべてる フっフっフっ
Theres to many good episodes to chose from!
Okay i'll make a list.

1.Hauter vs. kadabra
2.battle aboard the st. anne
3.the problem with paris
4.the song of jigglypuff
5.holy matramony

Orange island
1.in the pink
2.snack attack
3.tent situation
4.rivalry revival
5.pokemon food fight

1.the double trouble header
2.ignorance is blissey
3.tunnel vision
5.a bout with sprout

I can't remeber a lot of the hoenn ones so i'll skip that.


Well-Known Member
hmm i like most of the capture and League epi's the best

Azalia Leafsong

Beginning Anew
Lots of favorite episodes... ^_^'

Indigo League
1) Electric Shock Showdown
2) The Pi-Kahuna
3) Holy Matrimony!
4) The Ninja-Poke Showdown
5) Pokemon! I Choose You!

Orange League
1) Hello Pummelo
2) Pikachu Re-Volts
3) The Lost Lapras
4) Tracey Gets Bugged
5) Enter The Dragonite

Johto League
1) Fighting Flyer With Fire!
2) Howl Of The Houndoom
3) From Ghost To Ghost
4) A Ghost Of A Chance
5) For Ho-Oh The Bells Toll

Hoenn League
1) Gaining Groudon
2) The Scuffle Of Legends
3) A Three Team Scheme!
4) Delcatty Got Your Tongue!
5) A Bite To Remember

Battle Frontier (Need To Watch More Episodes)
1) Tactics Theatrics
2) Time-Warp Heals All Wounds!
3) Sweet Baby James!
4) Weekend Warrior
5) May's Egg-Cellent Adventure!
Kanto- Its Mr.Mime Time and Go West Young Meowth
Orange Islands-The Lost Lapras and Charizard Chills
Johto-A Hot Water Battle and Johto Photo Finish
Hoenn-Pearls are a Spoinks Best Freind and Unfair Weither Freinds
BF-The Smybol of Life and Sweet Baby James


christian 4ever
squirtles episodes are the best

annd pikachus goodbye...........so sad,max and ralts episode,also movies 4th and 5th.................it make me cry

Dark Cacturne

The Road To Victory!
Hmm...Let's see

Tactics theatrics
Harley rides again
Wheel of frontier
Claydol big and tall
May vs Drew! Rivals Forever
Deciding Match Vs Regice
May vs Jessie! The final Contest
The saffron Con
Ash and Brock! Defend pewter gym in tag battle!

Those are my favourites (+every episodes where harley comes in )
1. Here comes the Squitle Squad (very first episode i saw)
2. Showdown at Pewter City
3. Dig those Diglett (very humerous)
4. Friend or Foe
5. Challenge of the Samerai
Orange League:
1. Enter the Dragonite
2. Charizard Chills
1. Ash vs. Gary
2. Diary Tale Ending (the one when Ash finally beats Miltank)
1. Kyogre vs. Grondon series.


Powerplay Champion
First episode, squirtle squad, charmander episode, charizard falls asleep vs. richie...


Natsu no Maboroshi
The first episode....It remembers me good things.
i like the "song of jigglypuff" but i'm too imbarist to see it again[BANNER]the ep when our hores (ha i sound like mike pollock) are at neo town [/BANNER]