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Your Favorite Rescue Team


Who is your Favorite Rescue Team?

Team Go-Getters-Normal
Consists of Chikorita, Charmander and Squirtle

Team ACT-Gold
Consists of Alakazam (Leader), Charizard and Tyranitar

Team Meanies-Normal
Consists of Gengar (Leader), Medicham and Ekans

Team Shifty-Normal
Consists of Shiftry (Leader) and two Nuzleaf

Team Hydro-Bronze
Consists of Blastoise, Feraligatr and Swampert

Team Constrictor-Silver
Consists of Octillery (Leader), Cradily and Tentacruel

Team Rumblerock-Normal
Consists of Golem (Leader) and two Graveler

New Partnership-Normal
Founded by Team Shifty's Shiftry, consisting of Blastoise of Team Hydro, Octillery of Team Constrictor and Team Rumblerock's Golem
Team Meanies!!!! <3 I'm like their biggest fan ever. Then again, there's very few of us in their fanclub.

Ah well, that's how I like it anyway. That means I don't have to fight with anyone over sharing Gengar :3 I luffs him so much. Anyone who thinks they can take over the world by recruiting a Caterpie and stealing mail from noobie teams, obviously must be some sort of genius.

Oh, and Team A.C.T. is my least favorite. Anything that goes around sporting the name of a certain test that is the bane of my existence doesn't appeal to me <.< Plus, they're just too....snobbish. Saying that you're too weak to fight Zapdos and whatnot. If I want to be zapped to a crisp, then dammit, I'm going to do it! XD I'm not going to let some Alakazam and his posse tell me what a weakling I am.


I am Erureido
I like Team Meanies the most, i suppose....cant say why, though...


Beginning Trainer
Team go-getters, meanies (yes gengar rox), and hydro