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your favourite in-game music?


-swampert used gasp!
whats your favourite music from any of games?
mine has to be the viridian forest song from r/b/y, that tunes so funky!


Long time no see
Urmmm i kinda like the bike music from R/S, i cant wait to hear what the D/P music sounds like. The D/S has quite an advanced music system i hope the game fully utalizes this :D


Well-Known Member
I always liked the path between Viridian Forest and Pewter Ciy in RBY, especially when playing it on the N64. Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dooodododo *clap clap*


The battle dome music is my favorite
If you wanna wait long enough, the Battle Tower and Palace are cool. When facing Deoxys in FR/LG the music isn't too bad either. The trainer battles in FR/LG are pretty good too.

~fuzzy out~


Expert Spinda Hunter
i like the pokecenter and pokemart music.
;078; ;078; ;078;


Team Misterioso
Urmmm i kinda like the bike music from R/S, i cant wait to hear what the D/P music sounds like. The D/S has quite an advanced music system i hope the game fully utalizes this :D
From what I've heard from videos, it's really impressive. I like it.

Right now, my favorite music would have to be the original battle music, especially the orchastrated version on the SSBM "Smashing... Live!" track.

Doo, doo doo, doodoo, doo, doooo doo, doo doo...


Expert Spinda Hunter
i like your card in your siq.
i am going to start doing them.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I liked the RBY Champion Battle theme. But for some reason I like the DP Nighttime Pokémon Centre music, it's really cool. But the DP music is great.


Wind Dragon
Mwar...many many I liked. My all-time favourites though...I gotta say, as far as battle music goes, R/B/Y Gym Leader still has it :3

I could list ALL my fav music, mwar, but...I dun have that kind of time XD or patience @.=.@;
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Beast King

Scion of the Wild
I love alot of music from the games but I can narrow it down to a few...

Pewter city, bicycle theme and the road from cerulean to safforn, ect. in R/B (I don't like the FRLG versions)

Violet city, azlea town and viridian forest in G/S

Littleroot town, slateport city, and fortree city in R/S

My favorite battle themes would have to be the Regi- battles and rival battles in R/S and the FRLG version of the final rival battle.


Resident dragon
So far, my favorite in-game Pokemon themes are...

-Trainer battle theme from FR/LG
-Viridian Forest/assorted cave theme from FR/LG
-Rival battle theme from G/S/C
-Champion battle theme from R/S/E
-Final battle theme from Colosseum
-Credits theme from Gale of Darkness


Master Procratinator
Myself, I like the Mt. Blaze music from Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon. Hehe. I sometimes randomly go there just to listen to the music. :D

Of course, the Miror B. music in XD rocks and is definately another one of my favorites. It's so catchy, I can't help but love it. I faint Shadow Pokemon on purpose so I can battle him and hear it. :p


Well-Known Member
My Pyre is home to my favorite pokemon music of all time.
Followed by Viridian Forest and R/B/Y's Vermillion city and that song they play in the haunted tower.
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Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
I like the battle music for Team Rocket and Team Magma/Aqua. And Team Galaxy.
I also like the battle music for the Hoenn legendaries. (Kyogre/Groudon and Rayquaza)
I also like the battle music for the Gymleaders. All regions.