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your first pokemon

first starter

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Calm And Hyper
When you first bought a pokemon game what was your first pokemon (NOT your favorite). Mine was squirtle but it got deleted. I beat the game with Charmander (and evolutions)


Pikachu, if my brother's Yellow Version counts. If you mean a game I bought, I had a Cyndaquil on Crystal Version [...or was it a Totodile? +mental blank+]
Oh, and by the way... do you mean handheld games? @@; After all, don't you start with Eevee on XD, and so forth? :eek:


My first was Totodile in Gold. I still have it, as a level 100 Feraligatr. But it misses everytime it attacks. ^_^;


Calm And Hyper
Kylie-chan said:
Pikachu, if my brother's Yellow Version counts. If you mean a game I bought, I had a Cyndaquil on Crystal Version [...or was it a Totodile? +mental blank+]
Oh, and by the way... do you mean handheld games? @@; After all, don't you start with Eevee on XD, and so forth? :eek:
yeah i mean handheld games (basically all of the pokemon included in the poll options)


Johto Champion
Bulbasaur, back about ... 1997?

I used to always start with the grass starters. Bulbasaur, then chikorita and then treecko. Now, though, I've got out of such a bad habbit.


Well-Known Member
Squirtle on Blue, it was the cover star. (Well, Blastoise was but I guessed it turned into that)

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
My first Pokemon ever was a Charmander.


Stay forever young.
Mine was Bulbasaur back when I first got Pokemon Blue.


Belgian Waffles!!!
Bulbasaur, then I restarted and got charmander.

Phoenix Knight Nova

Mineral Trainer
I remember the day Pokemon Red came out well.... It was almost time to go on my 8th Grade Trip to Washington DC,l had a little Gameboy Pocket Red, and bad been reading about pokemon in EGM for a while and was really psyhched about a new RPG for my Game Boy, I was the first kid in my school to get it and never looked back buying every generation since.

To Think I'm 20 Years old now....

Anyway charmander my little faithful Gryzz was my first Pokemon Ever, and has been many times reincarnated and breeded.


My first Pokemon game ever was Gold version... I was begging my parents for a Game Boy Color and a Pokemon game and they finally gave in and bought me a Game Boy Color and Gold version.
Anyway, my first Pokemon was Cyndaquil, and it's still stays my starter whenever I restart my Gold or Silver games.


a bulbasaur I named "Bulb" in my Blue version... he's been deleted for the longest time now, but his memory still lingers...
Bulbasaur in my Blue Version's first File. I just went with it because the Booklet said it made for an easy game. XD.


Well-Known Member
I got silver first so I think it was totodile.


Fire boy
Mine was a squirtle. Got deleted a long time ago.

But if it were my choice to pick any pokemon for my first pokemon it would be Meowth.
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