I plan on only using DP Pokemon for my main team... well only DP Pokemon and Electrode. SO...
Electrode - it's my favorite and on every team I put together.
My starter - still haven't figured out who to start with (kinda leaning towards Naetle though), but I'm preeeetty sure it'll stick around on my team as I always get stupidly attached to my first Pokemon.
Perap - I always need a Pokemon with Fly, and Perap's my favorite DP birdy.
Garmeil - well of course I need a DP moth on my team! :B
Masukippa OR Yukinoooooo - just 'cause. They're some of my favorites.
Then I'll need something with Surf... if I don't start with the penguin, I'll probably use the beaver or Toritodon.
...THEN of course, I'll make a secondary team where those blasted HMs aren't needed. Lessee...
Electrode - blah blah blah you know the drill.
Yukinoooooo OR Masukippa - the one I didn't pick for my main team goes here.
Fuwante/Fuwaraido - Can't decide if I wanna evolve it or not... anyway, I like balloons. They all float down here.
Minomadam - I'd love to have Minomadam and Garmeil on the same team, but there's not enough spaaace. =/ Maybe on another team.
Electabuzz evolution - this would SO make it to my main team if I didn't need a Surfer. >:/ Hey, who knows, maybe Surf won't be AS needed in DP? I can dream, can't I.
Hippopotasu - because it'll be my funny-looking friend.
Will probably make lots of other teams as well as these, but I'll wait until I get the games.