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Your have pokemon with strange attacks? ???

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Dark Hades

spearow with reflect, rolling king, swett kiss
seadra with sky attack, hi jump king
alazazam with bite, rolling king
snorlax with comet punch
beadrill with submissing, petal dance and other pokemon that not remember.

Cipher Admin Skarmory

And that my friend is called cheated pokemon, because from the things i know seadra doesn't have legs or it can fly.
On-topic: No, i only have pokemon with normal movesets.

Cipher Admin Skarmory

Dark Hades said:
not is cheats is true
And can you tell me the legal way to get a sky attack on a seadra or a beedrill with petal dance.
I do I used a Game shark

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
Dark Venusaur said:
I do I used a Game shark

You're not supost to take about game sharks here....

Dark Hades

Others pokemon with rares attacks:
Ductrio with wrap, metronome, wrap, metronome, very rare
Arcanine with thunderpunch, very powerful
kabuto with petal dance, stun spore
meowth with spore, cool
shellder with clamp,metronome, clamp, metronome, = that ductrio, rare
seadra with teleport, sky attack, hi jump kick
beadrill with stun spore, submission, petal dance
spearow reflect, rolling kick, lovely kiss and not swett kiss

Cipher Admin Skarmory

Dark Hades said:
shellder with clamp,metronome, clamp, metronome, = that ductrio, rare
And your "not cheated" shellder has two clamp's and two metronome's?
Yeah that's a real pokemon.
I have a marrowak with Watergun. Its just such a strange move to put on a marrowak, i know, but hey

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member


there is no way you can have pokemon with those moves

a mod realy does need to close this, since the only way you could have obtained them is via cheat codes which are banned on these forums!
Dark Hades said:
I said that the find in the box 13 of a pokemon red
If it was in pokemon red,this should go in the r/b/y disscusion

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
that could mean anything

or maybe it was a glitch? but how could a glitch give you so many pokemon?

and what you said dosent prove anything about it being cheated or a lie, just that it was in box 13 of red, are you saying that every box 13 in red has strange and magical pokemon? if you are then I belive what I said in my post.

Unless you can provide solid proof that they were not cheated then I will consider beliving you. And saying so is not proof

Poke Freak

Dark Hades said:
I said that the find in the box 13 of a pokemon red

Box 13? Pokemon Red? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't originally there only 12 boxes?

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
and if it red I must ask this question


and I am not sure about the boxes, I'll check when Im bored
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