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Your hopes for 2021


Canada Connoisseur
2020 is almost over (finally!), and 2021 is dawning upon us. What are your hopes for the new year?

My hopes for 2021:

  • The COVID-19 vaccine is a success
  • Donald Trump finally gets banned from Twitter and gets forced into obscurity
  • We can go back to our normal lives again
  • I can travel the world
  • People show more love and kindness
  • The world becomes less hateful


cilan lives forever in my heart
I 100% agree with your assessment. For me, it’s getting through physics with at least a B, not having to wear masks or do social distancing, getting more time to play video games, exercising and being healthier, motivating myself to draw again, and spending more time with my friends.

Satoshi & Touko

Peanuts aren't just a nut.
My hopes are to find employment somewhere I can mentally tolerate, become physically healthier, that Dems can somehow keep the House, that the GA runoffs yield control of the Senate for Dems, move out, and break into the stock market.

Oh, and should I decide to start a lifestyle-based vlogging channel on YouTube, that I can grow it enough to become monetized.


You! Me! Rivals! Yes?
2020 was an extremely hard year for me, I still had to go to work six days a week during my country's (ongoing!) lockdown, and because both of my jobs had employees quarantining I had a LOT more work than usual. I'm autistic, so handling stress is not exactly one of my strong points, and a lot of the things I rely on for stress relief and escapism have either been closed or illegal for the past nine months, so eventually it came to a head in July when I had a breakdown and attempted suicide. Thankfully I've managed to get professional help since then, but I did lose a lot of friendships this year by trying to talk to people I thought I could rely on about how I was feeling.

With all of that said, my big hopes for 2021 are:
- I'm able to move out of my parent's house and get my own place. This one actually has a good chance of happening because I recently came into a lot of money, or at least enough to rent a basic apartment.
- Friends of mine who own small businesses will be able to recover and not lose their livelihoods. I prefer to get certain things from small independant businesses instead of large corporations or the Internet whenever I can, and it would break my heart to see someone's life getting crushed like that.
- My country does NOT go full blown George Orwell's 1984
- The mental health/LGBT support charity that has supported me so much through all of this will continue to thrive and get the donations they need to keep helping people like me. This charity and its counsellors have really been a rock and I probably wouldn't have made it without them.
- I'm able to get every figure I'm after in the Transformers: War for Cybertron: Kingdom toyline (BEAST WARS!!!!)


I'd like to see the end of lockdowns and social distancing, but my hopes aren't high even with vaccines being developed. I expect that things won't go back to being completely normal next year, but hopefully there will be some relief from the various inconveniences.


The Purple Karakasa
I hope the whole coronavirus lockdowns gets terminated soon, and that we'll be able to receive our vaccines as well. I haven't seen anyone in 9 or 10 months, and I miss my friends every day. I also hope there won't be a 3rd wave or something, with all the people who broke the law and went to the sunny countries such as Mexico, despite the government forbidding it...

Gamzee Makara

Flirtin' With Disaster
I have none.

Because it'll be just flipped alignments of eternal projection, complaining and arguments about everything and everything, born of social media growing too big to contain and adapt to purveyors of and profiteers of death and bullshite due to depression being a worse pandemic than COVID thanks to it, and their knecapping of said depressed people's recovery efforts and any effort to fix shite.

But the greedy, gutless, outdated, ineffective and inefficient politicians and political methods, gutted education, and eternal warmongering and jingoism of white English-speaking cishet Christian Westerners, hampers any and all efforts to change anything and everything.


My personal hopes for 2021
1) Cut out some toxic influences in my life and replace with positive ones, already started to do this
2) Improve my well being, including exercising more and improving my diet
3) Put down a deposit on a property, or to emigrate from the UK. Not sure if I'll get this one done but I'll be saving what I can
4) Pass my driving test
5) Get a new AMD/RTX 30 series laptop

My society hopes for 2021
1) Trump leaves peacefully and fades away and that the Biden presidency starts off well with a Georgia win in the Senate run offs
2) COVID vaccine is a success and we can enjoy more freedoms than we currently do
3) Brexit isn't a complete calamity and we have some sense of normality. I suspect Rejoin will be discussed
4) People are just kinder to one another in general
5) Start of transitioning to greener sources for the environment's sake

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
There's a lot of things I could say, hope for, or want better but I'll keep it to just one. I hope I continue to work on continual self-improvement. Focusing on what makes me happy and not wasting time or energy on things that don't. It's important to focus on what I can control and continue to be flexible. Life is short, no need to sweat the small stuff!

Happy New Years!


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Just hoping that neither my mom or I don't get Covid.


Son of Seiso
I hope that people will realize the importance of taking covid seriously, and stop letting it be an issue that splits people politically. And that friends and family continue to stay safe. I'd be pretty happy too if online classes weren't as much as a flop as they were last year.

Happy 2021 peeps!
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Active Member
I feel that this will be a turning point for me and that I can do what I did not receive in 2020, I really would like to open my own business in the state of Mississippi, since my relatives live there, I did not have enough money to fully invest into it and I drew my attention to the fact that I can pledge the car and get exactly the amount that I am missing from site https://compacom.com/title-loans/mississippi . For me it would be like a fresh breath of air.
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Storm the Lycanroc

Oshawott Squad
Personally my biggest hopes for 2021 would have to be:
  • After the vaccine is widely available I hope some sense of normalcy returns. Even if we still need to wear masks I hope certain entertainment venues are reopened.
  • Spend the spring and summer doing various projects around my recently bought house. Just gotta wait for warmer weather!
  • Improve my mental health and overall outlook on life by extinguishing any doubts. I've started by reading/listening Greek philosophy and trying to interpret the meaning behind certain quotes.


Canada Connoisseur
After the vaccine is widely available I hope some sense of normalcy returns. Even if we still need to wear masks I hope certain entertainment venues are reopened.

I think we might still need to wear masks and practise physical distancing for some time because some people aren't having the vaccine.

Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
I honestly feel weary of the vaccine right now. I have absolutely nothing against vaccines and think that they are important to get but the Covid one is too new and I want to make sure it is perfectly safe before getting it.