2020 was an extremely hard year for me, I still had to go to work six days a week during my country's (ongoing!) lockdown, and because both of my jobs had employees quarantining I had a LOT more work than usual. I'm autistic, so handling stress is not exactly one of my strong points, and a lot of the things I rely on for stress relief and escapism have either been closed or illegal for the past nine months, so eventually it came to a head in July when I had a breakdown and attempted suicide. Thankfully I've managed to get professional help since then, but I did lose a lot of friendships this year by trying to talk to people I thought I could rely on about how I was feeling.
With all of that said, my big hopes for 2021 are:
- I'm able to move out of my parent's house and get my own place. This one actually has a good chance of happening because I recently came into a lot of money, or at least enough to rent a basic apartment.
- Friends of mine who own small businesses will be able to recover and not lose their livelihoods. I prefer to get certain things from small independant businesses instead of large corporations or the Internet whenever I can, and it would break my heart to see someone's life getting crushed like that.
- My country does NOT go full blown George Orwell's 1984
- The mental health/LGBT support charity that has supported me so much through all of this will continue to thrive and get the donations they need to keep helping people like me. This charity and its counsellors have really been a rock and I probably wouldn't have made it without them.
- I'm able to get every figure I'm after in the Transformers: War for Cybertron: Kingdom toyline (BEAST WARS!!!!)