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Your mama is so stupid that she stole free bread. RMT

I'm back now. I got banned because I quadruple posted on some stupid thread, but who cares about that...Anyways, I have been thinking about this team and wondering if it would be a success or failure. Well, I was shocked when I found out that there was a small celebration when I got banned in the Official Picture Thread. How rude of those asswipes. But I’m sure people in this forum missed me! Of course, this forum was boring without me. I’m being sarcastic. Well...rate away.

Modest Nature (+SAtk -Atk)
252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
-Shadow Ball / Hidden Power [Ice]
-Baton Pass

Simple, he is a special sweeper. I doubt I will end up with HP Ice or HP Grass and if I don't, I'll have to go with Shadow Ball. He is a good Gengar counter. It has higher speed base, and will HKO it with Shadow Ball. It's a bit faster than Weaville as well. Substitute followed by Baton Pass is good. Enables more choices of attacking.

Modest Nature (+SAtk -Atk)
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SAtk
-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind

I love this Pokemon so very much. It's amazing! Don't kill me because I chose Modest as its nature because that is the one I got. It's the second best nature behind Bold and Calm. Not too sure about EV's though....

@Black Sludge
Bold Nature (+Def -Atk)
252 HP / 200 Def / 52 SAtk
-Fire Blast
-Pain Split

Heracross counter. I grew fond of Weezing for some reason. Glad I did. Now I lost my Heracross weakness.

Bold Nature (+Def -Atk)
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SDef
-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind

Here is the pink poke. Simple, really. I've been wondering whether I should replace Thunderbolt with Counter?

@Choice Band.
Adamant Nature (+Atk -SAtk)
252 Spd / 252 Atk / 6 HP
-Stone Edge
-Close Combat

Lucario...I love the physical sweeper due to its access to Extremespeed....

Impish Nature (+Def -SAtk)
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Atk
-Ice Shard
-Rapid Spin
-Stealth Rock

Simple, the common Donphan moveset.

All in all, this is by far my best team yet. Any advice?
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I like Sandstorm.
Certain special sweepers will bring you down. Use Cresselia or Blissey>Togekiss.

tee tee

Illussions Shattered
Certain special sweepers will bring you down. Use Cresselia or Blissey>Togekiss.

Agrees, but i am guessing that your suicune is some sort of special wall with calm mid but you have too many special attackers.

I suggest that you take out suicune with cresselia because cresselia can act like a double wall with it's high defensive and special defensive stats.

But if you want suicune then I suggest you take out togekiss but you will probally not for wish support mainly but jolteon can wish but that set that you posted is good.

I suggest this moveset with cresselia
ice beam

But this is all my opinion.
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Yes, Suicune is a special wall as well. It is a very good bulky Water. VERY good. And with Calm Mind and Reflect + Leftovers = AWESOME. And so far, I cant find a special sweeper that is a threat to my team.
You know what I hate so much? You guys try to eat me alive, and with one little thing you make it to such a huge deal. And you clearly ignore the good points...

Extrasensory, I'll sacrifice. Sacrifices will be made. And you guys always make it sound that I will switch into Suicune. It could be battling Tyranitar, Jolteon or Weezing. Yes, Porygon-Z doesn't stand a chance against Tyranitar.


lol you act as if they don't switch out

max SAtk porygon-z WITHOUT choice specs 2HKOs suicune, therefore it is not a counter
Why always Suicune? There is Tyranitar, and yup, they might switch, but that's a free attack for me. Suicune is just as fast as Porygon-Z. And I have Jolteon to switch in so it could get healed.


suicune has 10 less base speed than porygon-z .__.

you're making all these judgements like all people that will play your team won't be able to predict

you lead with jolteon, so they will be predicting that unless they are brainless fools. whoops, they KOd it.


Toon link
Give weezing haze in there somewhere..

Your team would be better if you put in blissey there and got rid of togekiss.


Bona fide Narutard.
If you're going to Baton pass to Tyranitar, it should have Taunt (instead of EQ). If all those stats are wasted with one simple Haze (or Will o Wisp/Roar/Whirlwind), then you'll have wasted several turns. I also have an issue with Tyranitar being on your team, because its Sandstorm hurts more than it helps.

That Jolteon might be too frail to Baton Pass with (life orb, no leftovers/substitute). I wouldn't normally recommend this, but you could replace it with a Ninjask (since you have Rapid Spin) who has Protect. I'm simply saying that it needs Substitute or Protect with leftovers in order to stay alive.

Your Togekiss doesn't need Aura Sphere, as you won't use it against a lot of pokemon (or keep it in against something where Aura Sphere would be supereffective). Pokemon who are weak against fighting generally have something super effective against Togekiss (Stone Edge, Ice punch or whatever).
I'm thinking of removing Agility with Substitute just like Hayabusa said, I think it's much better. Well, to be honest, Aura Sphere does help quite a lot against Ice, Rock and Dark Types. This is a surprise for Tyranitar. And yes, I'll add the Leftovers for Jolteon. Anything else?


New Member
most of your team members have generic 252/252/etc ev spreads
:|, those usually don't work that well (with exceptions)
Jolteon with Modest DOES NOT outspeed weavile, and a gengar is unlikely to stay in on jolteon now that jolt's two main moves are tbolt and shadow ball
Why would you run a jolteon without timid anyway???
Weezing is not a hera counter if you burn it
Aura sphere is not great on togekiss, cus you probably won't have a chance to "surprise" tyranitar, whose the only poke you'll probably be using that move on
Choice Specs Starmie can rape your team, esp since its also faster than MODEST jolteon


Well-Known Member
Your teams are getting better, and welcome to the I love Weezing Fan Club!

Anyways, as much as Paraflinch is nice, I would suggest Light Screen > Thunderwave on Togekiss. With double walls and wish support, your team will last longer, and would help you switch in on Special threats.

I'm also thinking of a more special defense oriented Tyranitar for a pseudo wall type thingy. Since it has Dragon Dance, max attack really isnt needed if you ask me.

Nast Plot Infernape w/ Close Combat will cause a little trouble here.
most of your team members have generic 252/252/etc ev spreads
:|, those usually don't work that well (with exceptions)
Jolteon with Modest DOES NOT outspeed weavile, and a gengar is unlikely to stay in on jolteon now that jolt's two main moves are tbolt and shadow ball
Why would you run a jolteon without timid anyway???
Weezing is not a hera counter if you burn it
Aura sphere is not great on togekiss, cus you probably won't have a chance to "surprise" tyranitar, whose the only poke you'll probably be using that move on
Choice Specs Starmie can rape your team, esp since its also faster than MODEST jolteon

And why would anyone keep Starmie when Jolteon is in battle? Surf isn't able to HKO it. No way. Jolteon has 95 base Special Defense. And a Thunderbolt will DEFINITELY HKO it.


Bona fide Narutard.
It's not a surprise for Tyranitar. Stone Edge will rape you. On Tyranitar, Aura Sphere from Togekiss has a power of 270 (90x4), and Stone Edge from a Tyranitar has a power of 300 (100x1.5x2), powered by his huge attack and possible Dragon Dances. The only way you could maybe 'surprise' Tyranitar is by keeping Togekiss in after you've reflected and when he's switching in. I'm not exactly sure, but I'm fairly certain it's still a 2HKO even with Reflect having been activated.

Speaking of, Tyranitar doesn't belong here. Sandstorm negates the HP recovery from Leftovers, making it so 4 of your pokemon basically don't have an item.

If you do keep him, I'm not sure
I'm also thinking of a more special defense oriented Tyranitar for a pseudo wall type thingy.
was good advice. Taking EVs away from attack doesn't make sense, because this assumes that you have a free turn to Dragon Dance. This isn't a safe assumption because that's not always the case.

You still need Taunt on Tyranitar if you're baton passing to it. Unless of course, you enjoy wasting several of your turns just to be countered in one turn.

Weezing is fine as your physical wall, now you just need a special wall. Suicune isn't a true special wall, so you'll need to use something else.

It's been said before, but use a Timid nature on Jolteon (especially if you're starting with him).


< Guess who's back?
Welcome back, I think this team could actually work and it isn't bog standard so you did a decent job. Without a real special wall you should always look out for Specmence, Alakazam and PorygonZ (Quite a few carry HP Fight so T-Tar can't counter it).

Look out for Electvire which will love to come in on Jolteon and run though the team with wis motor.

Lat but not least I think you need a phazing move on this team, Haze on Weezing would be obvious but a Roar on Cune will do fine too.