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Your name and others


In the pokemon games what do you call yourself,your rival and your pokes?
and your gender.
I never nickname mine, but trainer wise.

Red:Me-Red rival Green
Blue:Me-Blue (suppost to be girl) rival Green
Yellow:Me-Ash rival Gary
Crystal:Me-Crystal (girl)
Rival for 3-???
Ruby:Me-Ruby (girl) Rival-Brenden
Saphire:Me-Saphire (boy) rival-May
Colosseum:Me- (havent thought of name for the new game i start, help?)
Fire Red:Me-F.Red Rival-O.Blue
Leaf Green:Me-L.Green Rival-same as above
Emerald:Me-Emerald (boy) Rival-May
XD-same as Colosseum.
Diamond: Me Diamond (boy)
Pearl:Me Pearl (girl)


Well-Known Member
The names of the main character are of our family and the names of the rivals are people we have had "unfortunate" incidents with in our lives.


christian 4ever
me usually my name but sometimes silver etc.....rivals people who anoy me

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Gender: changes, usually guy.
Name changes.
Sapphire: Wisher (wishing for a jirachi)
Emerald: Niffe (i couldnt come up with a name, so i asked my mom)
LG: Bill (booting up the PC, choosing between bills PC & Bills PC. Also nicknamed my rival "rival". Its fun to battle "rival rival")


Well-Known Member
Leith, every time. Except in yellow, I named my self Ash...
And I named my self Reiki in crystal version.
I dont nickname my pokemon...
Rivals name, w/e the 1st option to name him is.


Ruby: My name
Emerald: Bianca
I nicknamed my Sunflora "Orville" in Emerald. It was a guy Sunflora so I couldn't name it Cindy like I planned.


I usually name myself Kera, Risa, Shaara, or my real name.
My rival's name varies, depending on the version. (R/B/Y-Gary, G/S/C-???, etc)


Well-Known Member
i name my char nikki after a char i made up. never played as a guy really. -_-"

-Chimungus ;457;


Well-Known Member
In terms of my character's name...

Blue, Yellow, Silver, Crystal, Sapphire, Leaf Green and Emerald: Vycksta. Yeah, it's my real name and I used it on the males despite being a girl... boo hoo to you.
Red: It varied as I used that game to get me a bunch of TMs for my Pokemon on Blue.
Gold: Ishizu. Yu-Gi-Oh kick.
Ruby: Varies as I use that to play Scramble Challenges.
Fire Red: Misha. Pita-Ten kick.
Colosseum: Leon.
XD: Sonic.

In terms of my rival's name...

Blue, Yellow and Leaf Green: Gary.
Gold: Silver and Crystal: Darren. The rival looked like my ex.

In terms of my Pokemons names... heh, I name a lot of them including all of my Sneasel army. I'll just stick with 20 names to keep it simple. These are all on Emerald.

10 Sneasels: Lesaens, Reqosh, Fai-Miroke, Airan-Jo, Khimonia, Nightwish, Septiembre, Natsumeya, Saffronikr, Raburina.
Gyarados: Seikrats.
Persian: Laaqnessa.
2 Misdreavus': Valtou and Miyushani.
2 Cradily: Zoqikhet and Kotoko.
Typhlosion: Fevravny.
Seadra: Suishide.
Haunter: Deyuixem.
Zapdos: Halliaraya.


These are real fears
I haven't played for so long, I've only played Ruby and FireRed, and so far I've only called the trainer my real name. But I'm going to use Dinaria or Nayli for Pearl though.
I named the rival in FireRed Gary, because, you know, it was Gary, and I couldn't think of something better.
As for my pokémon.. in Ruby, I just named them boring names:
Tropius: Trius
Vaporeon: Vaps
Blaziken: Blaze
Mawile: While
Dewgong: Dew
Raichu: Rai

But my FRteam has far better names. ^^
Charizard: Bonfire
Butterfree: Silverdust
Marowak: Contrary
Arcanine: Hurricane
Taurus: Westwind
Dragonari: Drizzle

I name them after their characteristics (Arcanine is fast, as are hurricanes), where they live (Dragonair lives in water, and drizzle is a type of water, sort of), or their type (Charizard is fire-type, and a bonfire is a fire). Or one of my "thought-chains" (Taurus = buffalo = livestock = western, sort of = there are winds there = westwind. Plus, I've been role-playing with a guy and his characters name was Westwind. So it stuck.). Or random stuff. ^^ Like Contrary, not sure where I got that.

All other pokémon I catch are named too, but just boring stuff from their original name. Like Poochyena: Pooch or Zigzagoon = ZigZag. Pretty much in the fashion of my Ruby Team... but sometimes I get a little more creative, I named my Electabuzz Buzz Lgtyr (Lightyear, there wasn't any space left x).

Okay, so I'm just rambling. Excuse me. xD

FireHead Hank

Matt Fanboy
In the 3th gen games I named myself Hank and in FireRed I named myself Hokage. I usually call my rival Gary or Green.

I love giving my favorite Pokemon nicknames. It gives them something like a personality and uniqueness(sp?w?). Here some examples:

Everest the Aggron
Kinshamo the Blaziken
Tony the Aipom
Shakou the Claydol
Magfire the Magcargo
Cable the Electabuzz
Katai the Graveler
...and so on


The King of Karp
Me: Gary
Rival: Ash

Me: Koopa (Later changed to 'Moopa' for reasons unknown. My game was glitchy)
Rival: Ash

Me: Spitball
Rival: Nope

Me: Apple, Orville, Denise, Wallace, Ness
Rival: May (Brendan once)

Me: Chet
Rival: May

Me: Grey
Rival: Norman

Me: Dan

I nickname almost all of my pokemon, and most of them are completely irrevelent to their actual name. Like my Swampert is named Archie, and my Kyogre is named Izzy. Bruce the Hitmontop, Todd the Weezing, though I still like Chuck the Charizard the best. :D


Slip slidin'
The character names rarely have any deep thought put into them, being inspired by my favorite podracer, a singing duo I like, and my screenname. But I do make a point of naming every single pokémon captured, and the names either are entirely unrelated to anything, as in Hip-Hop the Breloom or WhereUAt the jigglypuff, or have much more meaning like Schizo and Phrenia the Ninjask and Shedinja (excepting the ones in my parties, who nearly always end up named for favorite characters or celebrites and such)


Me= Gasgano
Rival= Gary

Pikachu- Pikafat
Articuno- Amelia
Eevee- Eevee (got her in a trade, hence the uninspired name)

Ninetails- Tails (likewise)
Dragonaire- Mulan


Me- Simon

Swampert- Garfunkle
Ludicolo- Brock
Cacnea- Megumi
Dustox- Mozart
Wobbufet- James
Chimecho- Jessie

Fire Red:

Me- Ampris (After the main character from The Alien Chronicles book series)
Rival- Elrabin (who was Ampris' Kelth friend in the books)

Charmeleon- Lionel (as in Lionel Richie<3)
Onix- Andromache
Meowth- Kasumi
Arbok- Peter
Magikarp- Arseus (I, as a huge Magikarp fan, was highly offended by Magikarp's pokédex entry, and thus named the so-called most worthless pokémon after the super-uber god pokémon out of spite.)