In the pokemon games what do you call yourself,your rival and your pokes?
and your gender.
I never nickname mine, but trainer wise.
Red:Me-Red rival Green
Blue:Me-Blue (suppost to be girl) rival Green
Yellow:Me-Ash rival Gary
Crystal:Me-Crystal (girl)
Rival for 3-???
Ruby:Me-Ruby (girl) Rival-Brenden
Saphire:Me-Saphire (boy) rival-May
Colosseum:Me- (havent thought of name for the new game i start, help?)
Fire Red:Me-F.Red Rival-O.Blue
Leaf Green:Me-L.Green Rival-same as above
Emerald:Me-Emerald (boy) Rival-May
XD-same as Colosseum.
Diamond: Me Diamond (boy)
Pearl:Me Pearl (girl)
and your gender.
I never nickname mine, but trainer wise.
Red:Me-Red rival Green
Blue:Me-Blue (suppost to be girl) rival Green
Yellow:Me-Ash rival Gary
Crystal:Me-Crystal (girl)
Rival for 3-???
Ruby:Me-Ruby (girl) Rival-Brenden
Saphire:Me-Saphire (boy) rival-May
Colosseum:Me- (havent thought of name for the new game i start, help?)
Fire Red:Me-F.Red Rival-O.Blue
Leaf Green:Me-L.Green Rival-same as above
Emerald:Me-Emerald (boy) Rival-May
XD-same as Colosseum.
Diamond: Me Diamond (boy)
Pearl:Me Pearl (girl)