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since Sachiko either did or stopped drawing, I've taken it upon myself to create a new thread for people like myself, who dont just read manga, but make it. Don't be shy! everyone wants to hear your ideas
My own mango would be crossbred with Dragonfruit and Guavas for the ULTIMATE in fruit. Then I'd make a killing on the patent as I sell it En Masse to Kerns, Dole and Welch's...possibly even Snapple and the Coca Cola company (for Minute Maid) but I'd feel safer knowing that it'll be made in a juice that contains a 100% DV of Vitamin C first.
My man-GA would have super-soldiers, dragons, fairies, action, romance and stuff that's NOT W.I.T.C.H or the Winx Club material (ie no product line attached).
Forgive me though as I will use anachronisms, controversial allegories and maybe, just maybe attack the universe's integrity by pulling a Planet of the Apes with the "Ha ha, it was OUR earth in the future suckers!" near the end.
I believe you mean "fanboy-made" manga ideas. I'd, or rather my arrogance, would say that there are a fair share of manga fans who have better understanding and visions of storytelling than a lot of manga-ka.
My own mango would be crossbred with Dragonfruit and Guavas for the ULTIMATE in fruit. Then I'd make a killing on the patent as I sell it En Masse to Kerns, Dole and Welch's...possibly even Snapple and the Coca Cola company (for Minute Maid) but I'd feel safer knowing that it'll be made in a juice that contains a 100% DV of Vitamin C first.
Pepsi would still find a way to hose you down, if you're a conspiracy theorist and believe it, that is.
And, uh, as for what I would do if I honestly had any true talent in 2-D art and were born in Japan with the knowledge I have now (an oxymoron, but bear with me), I'd create some kind of abstract manga on human nature that still relies on characters to tell the story. It'd be like some bizarre mix between Hideo Yamamoto's layered stories (Homunculus, Ichi the Killer, Voyeur) that tackle sexual perversions within us all, Kiriko Nananan's (Blue, Heartless Bitch) incomparably brilliant and utterly realistic dialogue, disturbing and unrelenting content that would make Kentaro Miura (Berserk) and Jiro Matsumoto (Freesia, Keep on Vibrating, Uncivilized Planet) blush, and last but not least a fusion between Tsutomu Nihei's structures and vast emptiness (Blame!), Yoshitoshi ABe's general style for characters and backgrounds (character designer for Haibane Renmei, NieA_7, Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze), and Taiyo Matsumoto's cinematic pacing (Black & White, Blue Spring, Hanaotoko).
If anyone on this forum recognizes the majority of the names and titles that I just went off on, then congratulations, consider yourself a part of an indescribable and undefinable section of manga fans.
heh.... sorry bout the typo. I coulda sworn i didn't say that originally. oh well, maybe i was in a hurry. i like mangoes too. BTW, the Guava/Dragonfruit/ mango idea sounds awesome. i call it "Guavangofruit"!!
heh.... sorry bout the typo. I coulda sworn i didn't say that originally. oh well, maybe i was in a hurry. i like mangoes too. BTW, the Guava/Dragonfruit/ mango idea sounds awesome. i call it "Guavangofruit"!!
I saw the mango from the frontpage and man, I love mangos.
I don't do manga though, my comics resesmble a mix of American and Japanese influence but leans more toward correctness; I.E., eyes don't take up half my character's heads, and they actually have noses.
I saw the mango from the frontpage and man, I love mangos.
I don't do manga though, my comics resesmble a mix of American and Japanese influence but leans more toward correctness; I.E., eyes don't take up half my character's heads, and they actually have noses.
OKAY!!! o- FRIGGIN-kay!!! the mangoes are getting old and rotten. i shall throw them into the garbage disposal, and they shan't be mentioned AGAIN!!! now. dont be afraid to share... ^_^
My own mangops!I mean my own manga!
This is a VERY original story.
Okay heres what happens,
someone falls into a well and goes to feudal Japan.
After they get to feudal Japan they fall into a book that takes them to future Japan.Then they fall in a toilet and end up in feudal england.And while their there they steal the crown from the king,and the crown ends up taking them to future future japan.And in this story theres a person who you can't tell if their a guy or a girl.And theres one of those weird ufo creatures that looks like a mango.
since Sachiko either did or stopped drawing, I've taken it upon myself to create a new thread for people like myself, who dont just read manga, but make it. Don't be shy! everyone wants to hear your ideas
I stopped posting in the last thread because activity was slowing down, and I had already posted about my manga, Mitashi, like, 26 times. ...Oooh, wanna hear about it again???1 Okay, so-
Everyone: NO!!!!! We know, we know, that girl lived on an island and went to a school and something about around the world and fighting evil... wasn't her name Kanaki???
Sachi: Kinari.
Everyone: That's what we said!!
Sachi: Well, here is every post about Mitashi. It's confusing. Yes, it is. I also have corrections/updates/things that have changed. And there are a lot of them...
Seasons (they should be called arcs but I like to call them seasons!) 1, 2.0, and 2.5
1. Tora's name is changed to Tara!
2. Huey's not Russian...! He's just going to be American.
3. The guy Sofia was cheating on Huey with is named Alben.
4. Brittany and Huey get together on March 8th, my birthday. Some kind of chemistry or something happens between them on Valentine's Day, but then something goes wrong (it may be when Brittany breaks the thing Huey made for his sister Jenna.). They make a big deal about how the day is not special, in comparison to Valentine's Day.
5. Raichi turns out to be a jerk. Anne breaks it off with her.
6. Nayzie was created for the sole reason that I liked that name.
7 In the summer (season 2.4!!), there are many several short plots, like in GALS! But there will be a longer special story, 2 or 3 chaps, called Boys' Night Out!!! in which the what I call "boys' group" of Mitashi goes to some restaraunt/club/whatever and run into troublmakers who may be violent. It's a weird story. Also, the girls have a chick flick sleepover night thing. One scene that I thought of is this: When Huey forgets to return something (dunno what it'll be) to Brittany that he borrowed, that they need for a game at the sleepover, Brittany, overly emotional, calls Huey on his cell and complains. The boys are trying to escape the troublemakers I mentioned earlier. The police might get involved.
Huey: Uh.... I don't have time to talk right now.
Brittany: Huh??? Is it that I'm not important or something?!? (she thinks he is still having dinner.)
Huey: No! It's not that. I just... uh... this is not the best time...
Brittany: Is that a police car I heard??
Huey: Um, we're watching a movie in the restaraunt... (the one they went to doesn't have any movies or anything.)
The convo goes something like this. And so on and so forth...
The boys are... Michael, Huey, Dylan (Michael's roomate and friend), Alben, and another kid who's Michael's friend (he's black.)
The girls are... Kinari, Anne, Brittany, Raichi, Mesunai, and Hanilla (random girl I made up. I've mentioned her before. I'm making her Mesunai's friend.)
8. Ignore the "Also that summer..." paragraph.
9. I'm making Mesunai at Mitashi for seventh grade. She was originally going to be Raichi's roomate in 8th grade, and that's why she was supposed to come in 2.5.
10. Something I'm adding to 2.5: Part of Einaka's sad love life. She falls for an 11th grader named Eric (who's also black!), and she meets him because of a tutoring program. She thinks they are getting closer, and she's very happy. But one day, another girl (in the 11th grade as well) is with Eric during tutoring, and Eric, oblivious to the fact that Einaka has a crush on him, happily announces the 1-year anniversary of his relationship with that girl, a super nice girl named Quesna (1st name that popped into my head!). Einaka is very upset, because this is yet another time in her love life that an attempt at a relationship has been unsucessful (other times are never really mentioned in Mitashi, except mabe it happened a couple of times in the sitcom.). She tearfully explains to Quesna, at a time when they are alone, about her crush on Eric. Quesna understands, and gives her a hug, promising that one day Einaka will find love. As a sign of the promise, she gives her her necklace, which has a heart pendant that says "love" on it in cursive. Seasons 3 and 4
11. It would be too hard to do a dying scene because of all the comedy in this manga. So, it's going to be a super-long coma... -__-U
12. Anne actually has had the disease her whole life.
13. Anne is not resurrected... her coma ends sooner than expected.
14. The ghost's name is Yori. (I got the idea for the name from the I"s character with a similar name... she has nothing to do with said character, though, just the name...) After all the globes are found, she develops a power that resurrects her (she died at age...uh....*thinks*....eight.), so she is in a normal, human form. She is that way in the 5th season. I'll probably make her die, though. She during the 4th and 5th season helps our heroes train and uses the Clear Globe to give them powers. Season 5, and music (ignore the part about the songs. I've changed that.)
15. Okay, bolding their names is lame....
16. I changed the setting of the 5th season. It will not completely take place on Earth, but between 3 different places: peoples' dreams(on Earth), several imaginary worlds, and an Earth-like planet (ELP because I haven't named it yet.).
Dreams: The evil force/people/you get the idea is trying to posess people on Earth by going into their dreams. The group has to go there too, to fight the evil. I haven't come up with anything else for this part. I might just take it out, but this was the original thing in the 5th season!!! And, I really want to keep it because it's interesting.
Imaginary worlds: The imaginary worlds are fantasy worlds that are accessed through this building that is mainly just a giant blue-carpeted hallway with huge portals on either side, that floats in space somewhere between Earth and the ELP. These worlds exist because, well, with the help of some magical power, there was a little girl who had written several stories, each with a different fantasy-ish setting, and she made those settings real. Actually, I should say that they are real in the sense that Kinari and co. can physically go into them, but they are in an imaginary dimension, with imaginary people and things, so anything that happens there doesn't really happen in real life. I guess that was the appealing thing for Einaka, who had a love life full of relationships that didn't work out, and pursued a love interest in one of the imaginary worlds, Arabialand. (if something went wrong with the relationship, it never really happened. She's just playing it safe.) The boy was Enen, and Einaka got closer to him (and his little yellow bird, Nene!!!) when she, Brittany, and Amare went to Arabialand together.
...But there's more to the story. I'll talk about it in a later post.
The ELP: Kinari and her friends and Yori find a way to reach the ELP via a rocket. The ELP is the only other planet in the universe with life, and it is similar to Earth, but there are no countries, just one giant country with a monarchy. There are still different skin colors. It is almost a perfect society that is more technologically advanced than Earth is. They are aware of Earth, even though Earth isn't aware of them. They correctly see Earth as inferior. They want to research it, but they (well, most of them) don't know how to get there! The royal family was made up of a king, a queen, and their children, but something happened to the parents, and now the queen is their oldest child, a 23-year-old woman named Siren. 3-4 brothers and sisters are the princes and princesses. Siren maintains complete control over the planet, but everyone is happy under her rule because she is not oppressive. As I said, the society is close to perfect. Siren, however, has many people working for her that are very loyal, and also a super-genius mind. She is trying to control Earth or something like that. (I am trying to think of something better!) Her diabolical group is called Alarm (Apparently, it was not one of Siren's creative days). Dr. Nagagski from the 3rd season was a member of Alarm, it turns out. ...Kinari and her gang are fighting Alarm on this planet, too, as well as the other 2 places.
And you thought the Around-the-World saga was crazy!!! You know what? So did I. Then I made up more about the 5th season.
17. The most popular and famous of Siren's minions (does anyone say that word anymore???) are the Nitrogen Base Sisters, four girls that were created when Siren wanted to develop new weapons and she somehow created artificial DNA (with Siren, anything is possible!) from which grew the girls. They are not normal humans- they have the ability to grow wings, and they have lots of weird magical power. Again not on one of her creative days, Siren named the girls after the four nitrogen bases found in DNA: Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine. There'll be more about them in the character guide that's coming later.
One thing I'm big on is names... (The other thing is hair!!!) I was sitting in Biology, one of my favorite subjects, and suddenly the thought came to me: 'Those bases would make interesting names!' I came up with faces, somehow, and then wondered where to use the characters. There are way too many of Kinari's friends and their friends and their friends' friends, so I thought, 'Why don't I make them some of the bad guys?? That'll be an interesting choice.' So I made up this fancy story about Siren and fake DNA. Right now, I'm drawing a picture with the four for the first time!!
18. I might change the name of Kinari's strongest move, but I really want to use it somewhere. Maybe one of the NB sisters can use a power with that name.
19. Tainma has powers that control wind, the strongest being a tornado (what else?).
20. Einaka's power is called "cloud", because it seems hidden, and clouds hide stuff. She can only control one object at a time, but maybe she will develop her skills and be able to control more. And when everyone realizes that the chair thing doesn't work well (Einaka almost falls off!), Yori uses a lot of whatever magic she has and seals some magic in one of those colorful childish caps with a propeller on top and gives it to Einaka. Now Einaka can control the propeller cap and one object at the same time. She puts it on, flicks the propeller, and she can fly!
21. Brittany does not want to train at first, but she realizes that she has to, and she gets a lot stronger. There are going to be cool combo attacks with her and Huey. Awesome!!!!!!!! Info on the Mitashi Boarding School Music
22. I've changed stuff, and so here is another list of all the songs. (Ignore the note about the 2.0 opening, 'cause I prefer Head-Scissors now!!) These are mostly AOL Radio songs. I thought it'd be fun to pretend to pick out theme songs for if Mitashi was an anime, and IT IS FUN!!! I am also doing the fake CD covers again (they were mentioned in the part I told you to ignore, I just realized...), and giving everyone new songs. I am starting them the same time as last year, which was late November.
1: V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N by Puffy AmiYumi
2: Head-Scissors by Shaka Labbits
2.4: Genshoku Gal Hadeni Ikube by Maki Goto
2.5: LOVE 2000 by Hitomi
3: Ring of Miracle by Angela
4: Jet by Aiko
5: Spring View by Remioromen
S: Feeling Fine by L’Arc~en~Ciel
1: Scramble by Maki Goto
2: Hello Smile by Aki Maeda
2.4: Air Wave by Yuki
2.5: Home Girls by Crystal Kay
3: 2-Star Commemoration Days by Ai Otsuka
4: Todokuna Traveler by Field of View
5: Legend by Mika Nakashima
L: Paradise by Hitomi
S: Walking on the Skyline by Yuki
SL: Akai Kutsu by Aiko
Character songs: (Old, New)
B: Love Destiny by Ayumi Hamasaki, Meeting Again- Story by Gackt
E: Sunrise by Puffy AmiYumi, Shippo no Uta by Maaya Sakamoto
An: The Silence by Porno Graffiti, Soliloquy by Kotoko
T: After School by Chicochair, Yoryo Akenaide by B'z
M: AM 11:00 by Hyde, Mirror by Gackt
Am: Through the Dark by Bonnie Pink, Orenjina Mangetsu by Aiko
Kinari: Shiseikatsu by Aiko, Koi no Etude by Puffy AmiYumi
Huey: Floatin’ by Chemistry, possibly Mugen by Porno Graffitti (that song is crazy!!!)
B/H: Love So Pure by Puffy Amiyumi Sitcom info and characters (this is where Hanilla, with the sand-colored hair, is mentioned).
23. Lucas ends up moving to another part of the US...
24. Einaka's brainiac brother is named Ekaiden (watta dumb name.)!!
As you can see, I've put a lot of thought into all this... -_______-U (<----bigger than last time!!!)
...So no, I wouldn't exactly go as far as to say I've stopped drawing...
A quote from the last thread:
Sachiko said:
Okay guys, well, time to change the name of my manga!! (just kidding.) I searched Mitashi on the internet, kinda like you search your name for fun, and it turns out that Mitashi is an Indian electronics company!!! Which is actually pretty cool (I love electronics.). I don't know, I just thought that that name wouldn't be used anywhere else... oh well. Here's the link, just for fun ^^
That's the end. Later I'll give everyone feedback on their manga ideas. If I remember. Even later than that, I'll have a huge character guide, more info about Arabiashipping (I'm starting to name my shippings!!! [lame.] It's Einaka and Enen.) and the story of Yori's life, which you all need to know because it's crucial to understanding the 5th season. Like, the entire 5th season revolves around Yori. Stories of the lives of other characters will be included on the character guide, but not in as much detail, since Yori's is so important.
I'm doing a one-shot comic for my college class. I'll be having it online. When it is completed, I'll post the link up. The characters are from the major project i'm deeply dedicated towarded. Only 5 characters will show up in this one-shot.
I never did draw, but I did have 2 very short-lived manga ideas that I did.
One was Cosmic Frontier, where 3 kids each recieved mysterious powers when a mysterious cosmic imbalance occured.
The other was a similar story, Chosen, in which my friend helped draw the characters. The idea is similar but the story different. Instead of a cosmic event causing their powers, they were Chosen by a higher authority to recieve their powers after a tragic accident ended their lives.
Chosen eventually spun-off into my Mystery Drama, Chronicle, which is still going, but nealy finished.
I'm doing a one-shot comic for my college class. I'll be having it online. When it is completed, I'll post the link up. The characters are from the major project i'm deeply dedicated towarded. Only 5 characters will show up in this one-shot.
You know that I'm going to come at it from an unbiased viewpoint and go on and on about the storytelling itself, right? Uh, unless it's a balls-to-wall type of story with all kinds of sexiness, like Tenjho Tenge, I'm not going easy on ya when you put it up.
I'm doing a one-shot comic for my college class. I'll be having it online. When it is completed, I'll post the link up. The characters are from the major project i'm deeply dedicated towarded. Only 5 characters will show up in this one-shot.
Sounds swell. I still remember the last art you put up 'ere. 'Twas such a long time ago- I assume your style has changed, supposedly for the better. Anyhow, count me as one to look forward to the one-shot; though I admire your art, what I really want to see is the type of plots and story lines you can conjure.
You know that I'm going to come at it from an unbiased viewpoint and go on and on about the storytelling itself, right? Uh, unless it's a balls-to-wall type of story with all kinds of sexiness, like Tenjho Tenge, I'm not going easy on ya when you put it up.
Dude, it's only 9 fucking pages! Not to mention my first comic. This isn't Kentaro Muira or Frank Miller we're talking here.
This one won't happen in the actual series but just use it anyhow.
Basically It's this cute hot blonde college girl along with this alien priest dude, and the Warlord dude who is like a fucking skyscraper. The three together are on their way to the ruins to uncover something for the Warlord until they came to an urrupt stop by someone...
I wouldn't call Miura's opening ventures stellar by any stretch of the imagination. Berserk Prototype was a fun "What if...?" which shows the signs of where he wanted to take Berserk, but it wasn't anything to write home about. Even though he illustrated his works with Buronson, King of Wolves is good for its action but not much beyond that, and Japan had me bringing back to Borders despite having already obviously opening up the packaging.
Point is, not all first works have to be utter masterpieces. In fact, most art. Just have to show some promise, really.
This one won't happen in the actual series but just use it anyhow.
Basically It's this cute hot blonde college girl along with this alien priest dude, and the Warlord dude who is like a fucking skyscraper. The three together are on their way to the ruins to uncover something for the Warlord until they came to an urrupt stop by someone...
My own "manga", would be a comic series I've been working on for a while now. It's a comedy/fighting series and a tribute to my inspirations and favorite series, as well as heavy metal and punk music
Maybe I'll post up some art and stuff sometime... you can find alot of the characters in my Deviant Art gallery and on my LiveJournal... the story isn't completely ironed out or anything, but the general theme is anti-racism in a sense... similar to early X-Men works I guess.