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Your Preference


Well-Known Member

I've been playing Em/Ru/Fr every now and then between my imported Pearl version mainly for pokemon transfers for the english version of D/P.
My question is...
What would you prefer more. The Lvl. 45 Groudon in Ruby, or the Lvl 70 (I think) in Emerald? I plan the IV & EV train that thing as well.



Completing The Trio
i don't mind i never keep the movesets given anyways but if i had to choose i would go for the level 45 one because i just like the raising factor involved

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
level 70 it already knows great attacks,
and it's got great stats


<-- Shalt be Avenged
Geez don't you remember for the R/B guide from like 8 years ago?

I believe it said something around "Raising a pokemon from a lower level results a stronger pokemon than one raised from a higher level"

Lvl 40 Groudon > Lvl 70 Groudon

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
if you get both then you can't really regret anything in the future so yeah it would be better now i think of it

I've been playing Em/Ru/Fr every now and then between my imported Pearl version mainly for pokemon transfers for the english version of D/P.
My question is...
What would you prefer more. The Lvl. 45 Groudon in Ruby, or the Lvl 70 (I think) in Emerald? I plan the IV & EV train that thing as well.


The lv 70 Groudon in Emerald.

Walking Contradiction

Feed Us a Fetus
The one who has a better nature and/or IV's
MasterDIMM said:
Geez don't you remember for the R/B guide from like 8 years ago?

I believe it said something around "Raising a pokemon from a lower level results a stronger pokemon than one raised from a higher level"

Lvl 40 Groudon > Lvl 70 Groudon
The problem is that it was in the R/B guide.
In the first gen, every Pokemon could max out "Stat Experience" (it's EV's now) for every stat. So, a higher level Pokemon probably didn't have the time to max out the stat exp. for every single stat.


Well-Known Member
level 45 groudon for ev training. just because the other one has a higher level doesnt mean its better. like what they said, pokemon trained from lower levels are stronger.


Well-Known Member
depends. The LV 70 Groudon doesnt have EQ iirc

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
depends if you want to use it in your team, or for show

if for your team: lv.45
if for show: lv.70
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Waiting for you.
You should always try to get the lower level ones. They always seem to turn out stronger in the end.
Lv 45 then you can train it with a moveset picked by you


Active Member
Geez don't you remember for the R/B guide from like 8 years ago?

I believe it said something around "Raising a pokemon from a lower level results a stronger pokemon than one raised from a higher level"

Lvl 40 Groudon > Lvl 70 Groudon

that just killed a part of my soul, please dont ever tell anybody that again. the only influence you can put on a pokemons stats are evs, the rest are set.


Active Member
Use the level 40 groudon. don't make the mistake i did. I have been regretting it. Sure, level70 is strong, but when my friend got his level 40 to a hundred, my groudon lost to his.


Well-Known Member
if your'e going to ev train it really doesnt matter which one you want to trade. id go with the 70 just cause id be too lazy to train it extra levels.