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Your preferred type of strategy.

Lord Scalgon

What title?
So, I'm just curious about (not just myself, but) what people use for strategy. I'm assuming the fact that people would probably use brute force if they have 2 attack moves of the same type...because I've seen it too many times when it comes to link battle. Posting your teams isn't necessary here, since this isn't another 'What is your Team' thread.

Anyway, my strategy is balanced. When it comes to special attackers, I use a Blissey to eat up special attacks. Not only that, it's pretty much invulnerable to them, unless the user of Blissey is stupid. Not only that, I consider her a toxistaller. In case some of you don't know what I mean, it's by the use of Toxic + any stalling move (e.g. Counter/Seismic Toss).

When it comes to physical sweeping, I use a Salamence, a Tyranitar, and a Metagross. All three of them happen to be great sweepers. But before I use them, they would have stat boosts baton passed from Ninjask. What Ninjask does is ... well, you figure. You know the results.

When it comes to special sweeping, I normally use a Latios, but in some cases, I may end up using a Starmie. Very variable and good to use. Gotta watch out for its Starmie's HP though.

Last, but not least, I use Gengar as a bomb. In case you don't know what I mean, guess that one move? (*coughdestinybondcough) Other than that, he's a great sweeper, but not as great as a Starmie IMO.

So, people...what type of strategy do you prefer? If you prefer brute force, feel free to post here. Like I said, my strategy is balanced, so yeah.


prophecy fulfilled
I play offencive style on NetBattle, usually using a team that can beat any defence based team in less then 30 turns.

It's pretty much just starting with a sleeper and sleep anything that i feel threatens the whole team, then bring in the swords dancer (celebi, because it stops the whole team being easily beaten by zapdos and a lot of other things) and baton pass to one of tyranitar/metagross/salamence who can then raise their speed through dragon dance or agility and just clean up a whole team, they're pretty much EV'd to survive super effective attacks from their counters so that they can beat them one on one. Magneton dispatches any skarmories that try to stop my swords dance/baton passing.

If i'm playing in game, i'll usually just use attack moves, even if i have a pokemon with say, swords dance, i'll still stick to straight up attacking seeing as it gets it done quicker, and the in game AI isn't exactly top notch compared to the majority of people on NetBattle.

I've never actually played a link battle so i've never really had a specific strat for link battles :x


Active Member
I use a team with majority attack, i have three physical sweepers; dragonite, tyrantitar and metagross. I use dragon dance on dragonite to make it faster and stonger. I use sub and focus punch on my tyranitar, and i use agility on my metagross. I use my dusclops and umbreon as my tanks. The vaporeon is used to absorb the damage. The wish that the umbreon and the vaporeon know is used to heal the other members is that is required.
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frontier master
in bf i just use sweepers 2 special 1 physicak yeah i know that it isn't really balanced but i'm too lazy ev train a tank like blissey anyway i never use boosting moves just attacks it is quicker i just give my pokes variaty of moves thats my strategy


Powerplay Champion
I play the slow game... letting my opponents get their hits in, and letting them feel confident in their pokes... cause i always save my best trained pokes for the end...
i very much play the mental game.


I like pie.
my team is pretty much entirely sweepers with a few having stats suited for being tanks. my strategy is to try to land super effective hits at every opportunity. i've made some slight changes to this by adding perish song and counter/reversal heracross to my team.


I just like to use all my most powerful attacks and KO the opponents as quickly as i can.


Bodybuilder Trainer
Endurance, Slow_Muscular Strength! *flex*

That's the Pride of the Ultimate Bodybuilding Team

I've got my Slow Sweepers: Machamp, and Steelix(he sweeps with Explosion)

I have my Special Tank Blissey (also Counters against physical attacks)

And my special sweeping Raikou!


I usually send out groundon and meganium first cause of solar in one turn cause of drought in double battles. Then I have kyogre thunder then just pwn with mewtwo and such.


That Dude.....
My strategy.... defense. Keep all Pokemon HP up while taking down my opponent usually by bumping them into the yellow with moderately powerful moves and then finishing them off in one move. I use Blastoise to start and resist moves and finish up with either Machamp or Electibuzz (usually, in special cases it can change)


christian 4ever
it depends on my pokemon..here is my usual strtegy

great in everythin pokemon,my latias
Depends on the team I have, ususally picking on their weakness or annoyer


Natsu no Maboroshi
Sweepers: Metagurosu (Physical), Hakuryuu (Mixed), Boomanda (Physical), Saanaito (Special)
Tanks, ect: Mirokarosu (Tank-like annoyer), Hapinasu (Special tank)

That's my strategy :)


Well-Known Member
i am a sub seed fan i send in my marcargo whick triggers a earthquaking switch as long as its not gross i switch to skipbloom to switch in then encore they earthquake and i seed whatever switched sub then use hpfly i have sceptile to subseed and gyrados to dd zapdos as my sleeptalker and finally a skarmory for my physical weakness


Bullet Punch
No baton passers for me. I go with:
-1 tank
-1 annoyer
-2 special sweepers
-2 physical sweepers.
