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Your purchase of X-Box 360


Well-Known Member
When you first get your 360 what else will you be getting?

X-Box 360 Premium System
$525 on Ebay

Extra Wirless controller

Quake 4

Universal Remote
$19? I havnt checked it out yet.


revelations1 17
Xbox 360 Premium - approximately $430

Play and charge, extra controller - approximately $50 ($80?)

And I'll be making my brother pay for Perfect Dark Zero or Call of Duty 2. Hopefully. >_> Only...10 more days!

The Battousai

Money I'll spend when I get my 360 (in USD)

most likely the Premium package after a price drop, bundle, or release of 2-3 excellent games (halo 3, Gears of War, oblivion, oddworld, KOTOR) - $300.00 (if I wait long enough)- $400.00 (if I can hardly wait and the games are amazing)
Oblivion, Gears of War, or Halo 3 if they're out by the price drop-$50-$120 (depending on the number of games I buy and their prices)
additional controller- $40-$50
xbox live 12 month package- $50.00

$440.00-$620.00 sheesh, glad good consoles don't come out every year or I'll be broke.


Coral Eye Trainer
Just the system for now,which is around $430, then Ghost Recon for next year, which would be around $60.

Oh yeah, do you know that there will be a shortage of the Xbox360. So mainly, the people who'd pre-ordered it are the only people that are getting this year.
I was told before that i'll get the system by Christmas time. o_O;


Rainbow Trainer
360 premium, waiting for oblivion.

If you didn't preorder good luck. My friend (manager for my EB of choice) says they're getting less than 20 on launch day (one of them are mine), and dont expect to be able to cover all their pre-orders untill January. The case is similar just about everywhere.

Snorlax 360

Sea Ruby Trainer
Well, I get mine next year, but this is what I plan to get....

360 Premium
Play and charge kit
Lots of the Microsoft online point things
Wired controller
Perfect Dark 0
DOA 4 (Should be out by then)
Some 3rd party game (Like King Kong, Gun, something like that)


Snorlax 360 said:
Well, I get mine next year, but this is what I plan to get....

360 Premium
Play and charge kit
Lots of the Microsoft online point things
Wired controller
Perfect Dark 0
DOA 4 (Should be out by then)
Some 3rd party game (Like King Kong, Gun, something like that)
Makes me cry that we have to wait till next year for the XBox 360. We don't have an official release yet either :(

Snorlax 360

Sea Ruby Trainer
FrenzyPlant said:
Makes me cry that we have to wait till next year for the XBox 360. We don't have an official release yet either :(

I know... Not long before we know though.


Well-Known Member
Mine is being delivered SAT! :D I dunno what we have to get to go with it but my hubby will make sure it has the latest gizmos to go with it.


Not out here 'till December 2nd, but they confirmed I would absoloutly, most definatly have it on that day. As for games and accesories, I'm not sure yet, for one thing I'm getting the premium pack and a play and charge kit, but I'm mostly waiting for the games to be reviewed. We know Kameo, PGR2, CoD2 and Condemned are all pretty awesome, but they need to hurry up and tell us if Perfect Dark is any good.


Well-Known Member
xbox 360 performance Update

You can hear it run. It's noisier than the older model. It's tons smaller! (thank goodness!) Give it plenty of cooling room though. You have to be careful where you set down your wireless remote controller (if you want or have one) or it doesn't see it. Loads games alot faster. Some xbox discs that were older it didn't want to launch but it launched the 2 halo discs well. Also the headset and controller from the old model is incompatible with the new. Remote control is cool and we also got the HD. The actual on line availability won't begin until Nov. 22 but it's very easy to get your on-line acct to the new model. Will I ditch my old model? Nope....it's gonna be my CD player. XD.....for you Music Freaks....yes it will be compatible with MP3 and Ipod.

The Battousai

Vaerna, can't xbox360 play CD's, and I thought the wireless controller can react with the system indirectly, do you have to be right in front of the system to play, can't I play it standing or from the side of my room, could you also post pics of your system so I know you have the system and your information is correct.


Well-Known Member
Yes xbox 360 can play CDs...and I have to get the ipod stuff for it from Apple and yes you have to sorta be facing the system....I don't have a digital camera (yet) so I can't post a pic. :( The front of the housing is kinda curved and the wireless input is easily obcsured. We had to pull ours forward on our shelf to keep the game console just out far enough to keep the "eye" clear of the sides. I can tell you our user name though. Look up Challen on xbox gamertags....Hubby will be on-line Tuesday. I won the system on Every10minutes.com. See winner list and look up Dayton, OH...that's moi!


In what way is it noisier? There's no fans.. there entire thing is watercooled.


Well-Known Member
Two six centimeter fans on ours and I think it's because it has the hard drive.

The Battousai

I probably not buying one till there's a price drop or some sort of deal but when there is I'll play you in live. The thing is I don't play live on my xbox because I didn't work part time with my dad until now, I couldn't afford to pay $50.00 monthly but by the time I get my 360 I should be online. I won't play forever (or as long as most people online do) though because I have things to do (exercise, homework, school, part time job). I usually get about an hour of free-time each day which I choose to use on either serebii or playing videogames. BTW vaerna there is no difference between the premium and the core except for the REMOVABLE hard drive, in a sense the core could become the premium if you wanted it to be.


Well-Known Member
Didn't matter to us...I think we have the removable HD. We're just happy to have one. And it's my hubby (and sometimes my young son) you'll be playing. He's the xbox junkie. I just love to watch him play the games late at night and listen to all the people say funny things and curse. Especially on HALO :p XD I'm not good at shoot 'em up games. Might play D & D on line if I get a chance. Once he gets Oblivion I'll be an xbox widow again. :p


Twilight of Aquarius
My brother's already bought a controller, recharge kit, blue faceplate, and 5 games (PGR 3, Kameo, PD0, Amped 3, and something else). He's going to the midnight launch party in Denver and getting a $400 model.


Well-Known Member
We've been having trouble with our gamertag acct so we changed it to silverberserker....:p