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Your thoughts on Ash's Shinnoh journey?


Ashfan for life
So far Ash has gotten a little in the Shinnoh region with his new friend Hikari. I think that Ash should get at least a higher league position and a pokemon type he doesn't have. I think Ash will follow the same familiar routine during his last travels. What are your thoughts? Should he change his pace or keep it the same!


King of pirates
he should at least be in the top 4


Well-Known Member
i'm just thinking, but since ash defeated the frontier brains, i think that he'll most likely lose this league... but he'll go far, like into the final 4
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King of pirates
why. he should win the sinnoh league.


Yeah, ok!
How many topics do we need on the same thing? There was a thread that went up to 5 or so pages on this very subject.


King of pirates
no there hasn`t


King of pirates
top 4 he is pretty good so maybe win.