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your type of the aruseus pokemon

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
Water, it's the coolest looking IMO.


Am, mine would be the Dark or Steel, but it can be so cool with all the types and finish the league, without a problem...


I wouldn't really put a plate on it but if i did i would put it on to complement my team so my team would be unstopabble


Actually, there isn't a big different between every aruseus, only the color in some parts.


Legendary Collector
The type I'd choose for Aruseus, would either be dark, ghost, or steel.


Well-Known Member
I would pick ground. The ground/darkpulse/boltbeam combo would be very useful.

And if anyone has a variant of aruseus that covers all the types (not the double types but all the single types?)

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
???! Haha, just kidding, probably Water or Dragon


Insert Title Here
I like to leave mine as a Dark type. Even though he just stays in my PC like all my legends (except Parukia). xD

Elekible Trainer

<--The BEST there is
well i choose ghost cause that is what i am using now lol


Well-Known Member
For me normal or Water both have few weaknesses.