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You're Dumb

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This is a game based on a song by Psychostick (titled You're Dumb). The basis of the song is that two people are calling each other/everyone except them dumb for various reasons. A person has made a Naruto AMV of it, which you can find by searching "Naruto and Sasuke" in Youtube.

Anyway, to play this game, all you need to do
is call the user above you dumb by either saying "You're dumb because..." or "...because you're dumb" or something similar. It probably shouldn't be the same as one in the song, but some of them are funny enough to use here. Also, try to think up original ones, not like the one I'm using.
Some other things you should note/rules:
  • This is only for fun. You shouldn't take anything a person says about you seriously.
  • Don't insult people. This should be taken in conjunction with the above rule.
  • Please don't be racist/sexist/somethingelseist.
Here's my first one:
No one posted above me because the person that didn't post above me is dumb.


Well-Known Member
You're dumb because you use the summer pokemon avatars to make a rescue team.


I Crush Everything
You're dumb because you think charmander's a rookie. It's powerful!

And this is just like you're banned, and no different.


Natsu no Maboroshi
You're dumb because you like berry juice


super noob
Because your dumb the George W. Bush is the President of the U.S.A.

woot21 out dawgs


You're just plain Dumb!
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