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Yu-Gi-Oh-Cyber End Dragon deck

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The Requiem

BETD = Cyber twin.

Theres better 8 stars to use neway.


<-Don't wake him up!
That deck is waaaaaaay too reliable on Cyber Stein and Cyber End. If you're life points are below 5000 then you're in trouble my friend. Cosider putting:
Royal Decree
Draining Shield
Giant Trunade
Cyber Jar


<-Don't wake him up!
Orochi Breakwing said:
Thats the whole POINT OF THE DECK....bring out Cyber end and WIN IN THAT TURN..
I understand that but you need support for that card b/c of the enormous cost. You also need alternative strategies in case the Cyber Stein doesn't work out b/c it will not work out all the time; no one is that lucky.

Chazz Princenton!!


Last Will
Last Will


Power Bond
Cyber Dragon
Toon table of Contents

The Requiem

Thats why you run 3x trunade. You make the deck fail-safe so you dont HAVE to worry about things not working out. Trunades, Tomatoes, all to get out the little franken and the BIG 3-headed trampler.
you can't use Metal REflect Slime in tournament play though, thats what i was saying.
I think you should...

- 1 Toon Cannon Solider

+ 1 Toon Table of Contents

B/C Toon Table can search Toon Table, so you could just do this

Activate Toon Table, get toon table
Activate Toon Table, get toon table
Activate Toon Table, get Toon Cannon Solider
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