you just got home from playing outside and you see a packege that has your name on it and due acdmey on it. you are autiamticly thinking oh my god i have been acptedet to duel acdmey. not quite the leeter says you ahve been chosen but you need to duel a prospecter .there are two ways to do this by attedning the selction cermony at you local dueling arena from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. th other way to battle one is by the internet we have giveing you a site to go to that will alow you to duel a propecet before the cermony you just put your cards in the device then connc the device to the computer. (there is a device that says online duleing connterct and is teh size of a deck box).if you decide to go to teh cermony you write them back if not then you connet the O.D.C and put in your cards. you enter the website and a email adrees called posrprecter comes up and says are you ready to duel.
that is were your jouney starts but to exppalin the time pierod more here is something else. jaden has graduted and has becom a profesiinal duelist. with him leaving duel acdmey put in two new dorms the neos and necros an dteh way the dorms are split up are diffret
oblesix: weakest
slyther: highest
neos and necros : extra years at duel acamdey tooe xpand your knowdle these ares preated by how you duel
neso: carefree and losse like jaden
necros: stiff and orginized like zane
this might ge a lilte confuseing since i have cahnged teh thing and neos color is gold and necros is silver.
a few rules are
no godmoding cahcters and they cant look ecaxliy i like somebody form teh tv show. but can have a resmblance
name: (12 - 18(i8 only if you are in the colloge)
deck(made up or not includeand no godmmoding new cards)
dorm(no everybuddy being teh highest drom)
how you dueld the porspecter:
mises is
name: kero jutu
gender: male
deck thunder made up card are included
personality: will alwsy do teh right thing and hardly had any friend before duel acamdey
dorm; obelicx
prospter test: computer
that is were your jouney starts but to exppalin the time pierod more here is something else. jaden has graduted and has becom a profesiinal duelist. with him leaving duel acdmey put in two new dorms the neos and necros an dteh way the dorms are split up are diffret
oblesix: weakest
slyther: highest
neos and necros : extra years at duel acamdey tooe xpand your knowdle these ares preated by how you duel
neso: carefree and losse like jaden
necros: stiff and orginized like zane
this might ge a lilte confuseing since i have cahnged teh thing and neos color is gold and necros is silver.
a few rules are
no godmoding cahcters and they cant look ecaxliy i like somebody form teh tv show. but can have a resmblance
name: (12 - 18(i8 only if you are in the colloge)
deck(made up or not includeand no godmmoding new cards)
dorm(no everybuddy being teh highest drom)
how you dueld the porspecter:
mises is
name: kero jutu
gender: male
deck thunder made up card are included
personality: will alwsy do teh right thing and hardly had any friend before duel acamdey
dorm; obelicx
prospter test: computer