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Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game Forbidden/Restricted List for October 1, 2005 (for real)

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The Forbidden List will be used at regional and national events, and the World Championship.


I. Forbidden Cards

You cannot use these cards in your Deck, Fusion Deck or Side Deck.

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Butterfly Dagger - Elma
Change of Heart
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End
Delinquent Duo
Fiber Jar
Graceful Charity
Harpie's Feather Duster
Imperial Order
Magical Scientist
Makyura the Destructor
Mirage of Nightmare
Mirror Force
Monster Reborn
Painful Choice
Pot of Greed
Ring of Destruction
Sinister Serpent
The Forceful Sentry
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Witch of the Black Forest

NEW! - Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Delinquent Duo, Graceful Charity, Mirror Force, Pot of Greed, Ring of Destruction, Sinister Serpent, Tribe-Infecting Virus

II. Limited Cards

You can ONLY use one of the following cards in the Deck, Fusion Deck & Side Deck combined.

Book of Moon
Book of Taiyou
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Call of the Haunted
Card Destruction
Cyber Jar
D. D. Warrior Lady
Dark Hole
Dark Magician of Chaos
Deck Devastation Virus
Exchange of the Spirit (not out yet, btw)
Exiled Force
Exodia the Forbidden One
Heavy Storm
Injection Fairy Lily
Left Arm of the Forbidden One
Left Leg of the Forbidden One
Lightning Vortex
Limiter Removal
Mage Power
Magic Cylinder
Magician of Faith
Morphing Jar
Mystical Space Typhoon
Night Assailant
Nobleman of Crossout
Premature Burial
Protector of the Sanctuary
Reckless Greed
Reflect Bounder
Right Arm of the Forbidden One
Right Leg of the Forbidden One
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Snatch Steal
Swords of Revealing Light
Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Torrential Tribute
Twin-Headed Behemoth
United We Stand

NEW! - Book of Moon, Book of Taiyou, Confiscation, Dark Hole, Exchange of the Spirit, Limiter Removal, Magician of Faith, Metamorphosis, Nobleman of Crossout, Scapegoat, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Tsukuyomi, Night Assailant

III. Semi-Limited Cards

You can ONLY use two of the following cards in the Deck, Fusion Deck & Side Deck combined.

Abyss Soldier
Creature Swap
Emergency Provisions
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Gravity Bind
Last Turn
Level Limit - Area B
Manticore of Darkness
Reinforcement of the Army
Upstart Goblin

NEW! - The following cards are no longer Semi-Limited: Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow, Marauding Captain, Vampire Lord

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Super Aipom

Aipom is on TV now!?
I just checked just now
Go to the website to see EXCHANGE OF SPIRIT, it's a trap

Exchange of the Spirit
Normal Trap Card

Effect: You can only activate this card by paying 1000 lifepoints while there are 15 or more cards in your graveyard. Both players swap their card(s) in their graveyard with the card(s) in their deck. Then, shuffle each new Deck and put it on the Deck Zone.
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Well-Known Member
Haruka's Swimsuit said:
No more Pot of Greed? **** you UDE, I quit.

OH NOEZ! END OF THE WORLDS!!!!1111oneoneone...

If you don't like the ban lists, don't use 'em :/ Only if you go to a tournament are you "forced" to use these rules.

Stop being a baby and whining about stupid little things. Yeah, so PoG is a "Staple"...doesn't this mean you have to use *GASP!* variety now? They want people to play with all sorts of cards, not just the select group of "good" ones.

But by all means, quit. I'm sure Konami/UDE don't want people like you playing their game anyway :/


Haruka's Swimsuit said:
No more Pot of Greed? **** you UDE, I quit.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Aren't you an OCG player, anyway?

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
Vagabond Aeon said:
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Aren't you an OCG player, anyway?

If anyone in my area had OCG cards, I'd certainly give it a go.

Now that I've had time to crystalize my thoughts, I will repeat what I said in the last thread:
"Clearly they don't seem to give a damn anymore, other than throwing their weight around and banning any goddamn card they want."

Remember when you said it could be worse, VA? It's not a possibility anymore, it's reality.
Why don't they just get it over already, ban everything, and force everyone to buy brand new cards that do the same thing as the old ones, only in some half-assed manner that somehow balances the game.

Skrusti said:
If you don't like the ban lists, don't use 'em :/ Only if you go to a tournament are you "forced" to use these rules.

Not true. I don't know what you've got going on, but everyone in my area uses Advanced format no matter what.

Stop being a baby and whining about stupid little things. Yeah, so PoG is a "Staple"...doesn't this mean you have to use *GASP!* variety now? They want people to play with all sorts of cards, not just the select group of "good" ones.

**** off. I'm tired of your "you only use this card cause everyone uses it" ********. I use cards because they have a good effect and I'm sick as hell of them discarding cards with good effects every couple of months. That card is the single best card effect ever thought up in the entire game; ever since that card, there have been dozens of imitators, but nothing has been as consistently useful as that.
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The Requiem

then quit until april, it JUST might be right back...jeez...o_O


Haruka's Swimsuit said:
If anyone in my area had OCG cards, I'd certainly give it a go.

Now that I've had time to crystalize my thoughts, I will repeat what I said in the last thread:
"Clearly they don't seem to give a damn anymore, other than throwing their weight around and banning any goddamn card they want."

Remember when you said it could be worse, VA? It's not a possibility anymore, it's reality.
Why don't they just get it over already, ban everything, and force everyone to buy brand new cards that do the same thing as the old ones, only in some half-assed manner that somehow balances the game.


Will you people get over your ****ing collective persecution complex already?

Seriously, I find it REALLY hilarious that most of the people complaining are either OCG players or LOL ANIME types. You do this all the time whenever Kevin does something to benefit the TCG players. And you also seem to think Kevin and UDE are out to get you... or something. News flash: he wanted these cards gone too. He plays the game too, y'know.

Still. You're within every right to think that this Forbidden List is the worst ever. Though I'd respect you a little more if you gave some reasons why you think it is the worst Forbidden/Restricted List ever instead of going "LOL IT SUKZ **** UDE" or some other equally asinine statement.

My opinions on this list?

I think that Pot's banning is both a blessing and a curse. It will slow the game down, yes. But in all honesty, games tend to go too fast for my tastes, and it's not like I'm opposed to slowing down the game (though obviously not to the degree of GSC-like stallfests). And it frees up a slot in my Spell board for other things. Why I consider it a curse is that draw power is going to end up being rather rentsy (there's only so much you can do with Reckless Greed and Jar of Greed, amongst other things) until EEN comes out. Nothing I can't get around, but nobody ever said change was pleasent...

Tribe's vaccination will let Type decks shine a little more. Warriors, Zombies, etc. will have a little more room to breathe now. WATER decks... well, in my eyes they didn't lose much. I use what I've termed a "high/low tide" Water deck that focuses on both ends of the level spectrum, utilizing high-level monsters with annoying effects (B.E.S. Crystal Core, Levia) and low-level monsters in conjunction with A Legendary Ocean to pulverize the opponent under Gravity Bind's paralysis.

Book of Taiyou... never used Mill. Don't care. Next.

Magician of Faith's restriction is going to hurt my upcoming Silent Magician/Spell Counter deck a bit, but it's nothing I can't get around with a little creative thinking. Besides, Spells should be inherently one-shots anyway, something the last metagame proved all too damn well (lol trinity).


Remember when you said it could be worse, VA?

Things can always be worse. This isn't one of those times.
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The Requiem

I almost forgot to scream in jubilee.

Okay. thats better.

NEW! - Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Delinquent Duo, Graceful Charity, Mirror Force, Pot of Greed, Ring of Destruction, Sinister Serpent, Tribe-Infecting Virus

BLS = I effing told you so. lol.
Trinity Draw = Bye, biatches.
Mirror Force = dont trade it yet.
Ring = Yeah. Didnt affect me in the least, so...
Serpent = I'm gonna miss this when fighting last turn, but ah. It had to go. I'll live.
TIV = You got Dark Hole back, stfu...o_O

Yum yum so far.

NEW! - Book of Moon, Book of Taiyou, Confiscation, Dark Hole, Exchange of the Spirit, Limiter Removal, Magician of Faith, Metamorphosis, Nobleman of Crossout, Scapegoat, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Tsukuyomi, Night Assailant

Moon = Yeah, that ****** all over the sega controller
Taiyou = What mill?
Confiscation = welcome back, scottie.
Exchange of the spirit = If they hadnt...lol
Limiter = What? 093q809834098832908 ATK Cyber End Dragon? Noo...nononono.
Faith = Someone told ME so...
Morph = Good riddance to 908093840394809348 card fusion decks.
NoXout = No reason to have 2 anyway.
T.E.R. = *see goatse*
Tsukuyomi = *SEE GOATSE*
Night Assailant = That was a "huh" when I first saw it, but ah. Okay, no infinite discard.

It gets better...

NEW! - The following cards are no longer Semi-Limited: Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow, Marauding Captain, Vampire Lord

Chick = THere was no reason for that tom foolery...
Cap'n Punch = There goes your hand in threes.
V-Lord = 2 is almost overkill, and he gets BEEFED by Cyber Dragon. So what?

*creams on self*

Lets go play ladies and gentlemen!


Lightning Swordsman
0_o. That's what I have to say about the new ban list.

NEW! - Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Delinquent Duo, Graceful Charity, Mirror Force, Pot of Greed, Ring of Destruction, Sinister Serpent, Tribe-Infecting Virus

BLS-Envoy: I am SO glad to see him gone. He would set you so far back if your opponent got him early and could mean game if you ran into him late.

Delinquent Duo: No more Trinity Draw out there. Glad to see this gone, 1000 LP for 2 cards out of the hand was undercosted and broken. If the cost were more like 1500-2000 LP, it wouldn't be so broken.

Graceful Charity: Hand advantage + graveyard control all in one card needed to go. This thing should never have come off the list in the first place.

Mirror Force: We're getting Dark Hole back, and this was one of the more powerful and worrisome trap cards out there, not to mention a tough puppy to get despite DB2. After this, we will probably see less of Royal Decree.

Pot of Greed: The banning of this card makesCard Destruction, Morphing Jar, and Cyber Jar even more staple.

Ring of Destruction: Cheapo way of winning the game when your opponent is hanging on to their last few hundred Life Points. Could Destruction Ring from IoC perhaps see some play now?

[Trap Card]

Destroy 1 face-up monster to inflict 1000 points of damage to both players' Life Points.

Sinister Serpent: A lot of people are happy to see this card gone because he's near impossible to get now. Without this guy floating around, discarding for that Vortex became a LOT harder. I'm being forced to move my Creator our of my deck. T_T

Tribe-Infecting Virus: Even though the return of Dark Hole means a lot less protection for monsters, we lost Mirror Force in its place. Especially taking into consideration that all the drawing cards and hand recursion cards (like Sinister Serpent) have been banned or limited, making it a lot harder to discard, I don't see why this should be banned. Often, you're just discarding a card just to kill a single monster.

NEW! - Book of Moon, Book of Taiyou, Confiscation, Dark Hole, Exchange of the Spirit, Limiter Removal, Magician of Faith, Metamorphosis, Nobleman of Crossout, Scapegoat, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Tsukuyomi, Night Assailant

Book of Moon: This card is way too versatile to be floating around like it is now. UDE got this one right; it needed to be cut to one.

Book of Taiyou: 0_o. You're trying to kill off mill by limiting this to one? People will just play Desert Sunlight. If you want to kill off Mill, limit Needle Worm to one...

Confiscation: Yay! I'm so glad we are playing with this than Duo now.

Dark Hole: We lost Mirror Force and gained this in its place. I didn't expect this change to stay from the OCG list. Lightning Vortex just lost its staple status, especially since discarding became a lot harder.

Exchange of the Spirit: As expected.

Limiter Removal: With the return of Machines as a playable decktype, there was no other thing for this card BUT to be restricted to 1.

Magician of Faith: I SO CALLED THIS. With all the powerful spells still floating around, and stuff like Book of Moon and Morph being limited, I knew they couldn't let three Magicians float around. Restricting Magician to 1 will really make players conserve their kill spells. Told you so, Orochi. XD Like I have said before, the most powerful flip effect in the game HAD to be limited.

Metamorphosis: *starts crying* MY HORUS MORPH!!! Seriously, limiting this to one was an overreaction on UDE's part to kill Goat Control. I think this should have been left to 2.

Nobleman of Crossout: Another cost of bringing Dark Hole back to retain the safety of facedown monsters.

Scapegoat: Not just for Metamorphosis, this is an annoying little card that people used to stall for time. It will still see a lot of play after being limited to 1.

Thousand-Eyes Restrict: It won't really make that much of a difference, since you usually don't get more than one out in a game...

Tsukuyomi: DEFINITELY needed to be restricted. She won't be as broken as with Pot and Graceful and multiple Magicians floating around, but still way too broken to be floating around in more than one per deck.

Night Assailant: With Sinister being banned, I was expecting this to carry over, also. Again, discarding will become a lot harder.

NEW! - The following cards are no longer Semi-Limited: Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow, Marauding Captain, Vampire Lord

Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow: What was the POINT of limiting this to 2 again?

Marauding Captain: When I saw that this made it to the TCG list, I was at first excited. But when I saw that Pot was banned unexpectedly and Magician being limited to one, it is starting to make me think twice about playing three of these guys.

Vampire Lord: If you are a Zombie player, three V-Lords will be WAY overkill. Stick with two, and maybe shove the third in the side deck or something.


Stuff that needs to be on the list somewhere:

LAVA GOLEM: Limit to 2
This list really slowed the metagame down a LOT, making the already strong burn deck even more powerful. The burn deck will be very powerful on this new list.

The reason this card was restricted is the Mirage of Nightmare combo. Well now that Mirage has BEEN banned for a while, the limitations on this card are LONG OVERDUE for a lifting.

D.D. ASSAILANT: Limit to 1
Good LORD, this thing's nearly as strong as DDWL, and STILL isn't limited?! Dammit, UDE, it's a warrior staple that's getting hard as hell to get. You limited DDWL for a reason. DDA is virtually the same card; it needs to be limited for the same reason!

We use this for the same reason we used Book of Moon most of the time: to stop an attack. Very strong card that we can't have floating around in threes.

Jinzo is freaking BROKEN. People are afraid to run more than 5 traps because of this guy. If he only had 2300 ATK, it wouldn't be so bad.

Stuff I can see being run in place of the banned cards:

Book of Moon: Enemy Controller
Book of Taiyou: Desert Sunlight
Pot/Graceful: Card Destruction/Morphing Jar
Ring of Destruction: Destruction Ring
Mirror Force: Sakuretsu Armor(s)
Magician of Faith: Night Assailant (recursion)
Metamorphosis: Dragon's Mirror(s) (for Dragun-based decks)
Nobleman of Crossout: Smashing Ground(s)/Hammer Shot(s)

I believe that the metagame will change from being field-advantage and Life-Point based to hand-advantage based. With many of the removal-burn cards gone and discarding being a lot harder, conserving the hand will be a major factor in all tournaments.

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
:( *waves good bye to Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning* Well I was right about Exchange of the Spirits going on the list but hey this did'nt bother me much because the only card I ever used that was on this list was Metamorphosis.


Well-Known Member
This is much much better than the April 2005 Ban List. Especially now that BLS:EOB has gone. I reckon That a Deck with a Ritual Will Benefit from the reintroduction of Dark Hole, But might not benefit as much from the Restriction of Sangan.

The Requiem

~RaikouRider243~ said:
Stuff that needs to be on the list somewhere:

LAVA GOLEM: Limit to 2
This list really slowed the metagame down a LOT, making the already strong burn deck even more powerful. The burn deck will be very powerful on this new list.

The reason this card was restricted is the Mirage of Nightmare combo. Well now that Mirage has BEEN banned for a while, the limitations on this card are LONG OVERDUE for a lifting.

D.D. ASSAILANT: Limit to 1
Good LORD, this thing's nearly as strong as DDWL, and STILL isn't limited?! Dammit, UDE, it's a warrior staple that's getting hard as hell to get. You limited DDWL for a reason. DDA is virtually the same card; it needs to be limited for the same reason!

We use this for the same reason we used Book of Moon most of the time: to stop an attack. Very strong card that we can't have floating around in threes.

Jinzo is freaking BROKEN. People are afraid to run more than 5 traps because of this guy. If he only had 2300 ATK, it wouldn't be so bad.

Messenger: LLAB and GB arent even moved, theyre still at 2, and theyre free of charge. That was a joke, especially when the other stallers are a teeny bit better.

WMC: Its under par with all the Dust TOrnadoes and ec running around. Play a trunade and lol. WHat Im trying to say is that it isnt great.

Lava golem: What? He's a JOKE...

MST: This card deserves way more cred than you're giving it. That mirage combo was not the only thing it could do and on top of that it's SUPER versaatile, being a free drop AND a chainable in the same package. The combos with this card already are serious, we dont need that losing restriction..

D.D. Assailant: Sideboard D.D. survivor like everyone else...Its good but people who run three outside of a DD deck are gunning for overkill.

Enemy controller: Its CoH effect is a more than a little meh. I prefer zero gravity/windstorm of etaqua over the other one. See what Im getting at?

Jinzo: Do you NOT run monster removal or something? Im more afraid of Decree, the half ***.


Your mom
Kai Yamato said:
Yeah. Besides, wait for Elemental Energy. You're going to get a card similar to good ol' PoG but better!

That card is worse than Card of Sanctity. It would've been so-so in a Horus/level monster Deck, but they put Level Tuning in the same set, so it's worthless.

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
XSilverStarboyX said:
Not sure if these are totally banned or just limited but I read in a Yu-Gi-Oh magazine that Dark Magician and Marauding Captain have now either been limited or banned;152;

Did it ever occur to you to read this dead thread? It specifically states Captain was removed from the list and Dark Magician has never been on the list and probably never will be.


Whoever mentioned destruction ring it is your OWN side of the field...
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