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Pokemon Trainer
Does anyone read the Yu-Gi-Oh manga around here


Radiance of Shadows
No, nobody did.

And never, ever, ever, ever will.

Whoa, Franky, who are those characters in your signature?

[spoil]The first few volumes were good with the random games and the humor there was good (not "I can't take this crap seriously" kind of good, but "I like it because it's genuinely funny" kind of good). After that it becomes one big ad for the trading card game, leading to mediocrity, 4Kids's tomfoolerly, and the Abridged Series (something worthwhile).[/spoil]


Not to mention, when it switched focus on Magic and Wizards, the manga started to perform alot of retcon all of a sudden (Sugoroku saying he's the one that found the Sennen Puzzle in the Memory Arc. while in Volume 1 he said that a team of archaeologists found it, with the last one who died saying "A Game of Darkness". The explanation in Volume 1 was much more interesting to tell the truth). I blame the huge amount of popularity Magic and Wizards got when it was first showcased in the manga (which was supposed to be a ONE SHOT-ISH GAME and/or it's last appearence being in Death-T). IIRC, the last misc. game we had (and the only one) during the card games' reign in the manga was Ryuji's Dugeon Dice Monsters (who's plotline was horribly botched in the anime).
I do, for the heck of it, plus I get free cards for buying them


I read it, it is a lot like the anime, which is a terrific anime.
Uh, of course it's alot like the anime...The anime was BASED off of it.

And the anime's far from "terrific".


...is gone. =(
Uh, of course it's alot like the anime...The anime was BASED off of it.

And the anime's far from "terrific".

I like the anime...

Between me and my bro (mostly me), we have all but like, 1 of the english volumes... Yu-Gi-Oh's my fave manga/anime ever!!! #1!!! But, I started watching the anime before I read the manga. I really like the first season, "Shadow Game" or something like that. Then again, everyone does. I also like the way the Duelist Kingdom arc ended, with that big panel and all.. ahhhh... Yu-Gi-Oh's great!

In fact, it's so great that I started writing a fanfi- *shot*
Shooter: Stop shamelessly advertising your fanfic.
Me: Sorry. *dies*

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I like the Yu-Gi-Oh! series, including the manga. I have nothing against the card game considering the fact that I first heard about Yu-Gi-Oh! from the Duel Monsters anime. However, I do like the one-shot games (which show why Yami is the king of "games" and not just Duel Monsters), and I do understand how people feel considering that the manga went from focusing on a whole bunch of different games to one game. Of course, I don't really mind as much since I like the game, but it is amazing how much the series changed. Of course, Kazuki Takahashi wasn't planning this. Still, he wrote the manga... XD

Of course, the anime took things steps further. They made a second series of Yu-Gi-Oh! and added "Duel Monsters" to the name. DDD was changed to DDM (M standing for monsters). Yugi and Joey duel in Duelist Kingdom. They changed the Yami Bakura's Monster World thing to a Duel Monsters game. They added 50+ episodes of two filler arcs for more dueling (of course, those anime filler arcs are my most favorite, ironically). Of course, I still like the anime, but I think I like the way the manga handles things a little better.

Not to mention, when it switched focus on Magic and Wizards, the manga started to perform alot of retcon all of a sudden (Sugoroku saying he's the one that found the Sennen Puzzle in the Memory Arc. while in Volume 1 he said that a team of archaeologists found it, with the last one who died saying "A Game of Darkness". The explanation in Volume 1 was much more interesting to tell the truth). I blame the huge amount of popularity Magic and Wizards got when it was first showcased in the manga (which was supposed to be a ONE SHOT-ISH GAME and/or it's last appearence being in Death-T). IIRC, the last misc. game we had (and the only one) during the card games' reign in the manga was Ryuji's Dugeon Dice Monsters (who's plotline was horribly botched in the anime).

Unless you consider Sugoroku and those two Egyptians to be archaeologists. (Wait a minute... they weren't.)
I used to i didnt buy Shojan Jump (IDCAS) i got them from a public Libray. They where really stupid and pointless.


Procrastinate Today!
I loved the first series, with all the different games, PENALTY GAMES, and noseless Yugis. It is a little sad that it became a card game only, but I still like it. Couldn't they add in a couple of random, non-duel monster games into the mix? Dungeon Dice Monsters sucked.

I like all of the volumes (Er, what i've read) up to the Millenium World arc, which I find to be pretty bad.

The Duelist Kingdom arc is MUCH better than in the anime @_@


Badgers on a plane!!
i like to read it but it's behind the show so there is nothing new

Korobooshi Kojiro

You do realize the Manga in Japan proceeded the Anime, correct?

Anyone read the GX Manga in the new SJ? It's pretty good, as it deviates from the show (characters use different cards) and the current part in Japan is a great backstory for Judai (which the show has yet to do, although Season 3 may contain this).

Except, the manga uses the dub names....odd, since they usually keep the original names.
I only read the shadow game series. when they came out with milleniumworld, and Duelist, i was all like "NOOOO! THEY'RE JUST LIKE THE ANIME!!!"

The DOoM saga bored me 2 tears. after that, i stopped watching the anime. and I murdered Sachiko! wait... she's the only one that goes on my Manga thread. no!


Waiting for FFXIII
I was going to b uy all volumes for the manga, but when I knew it's like the anime, I thought it's not worth it.

Are the first volumes of the manga different from the anime or not? Becuase if they are I will get them for sure.


Codenumber 242
Never found about the manga, watched the anime 3 times.
Barely enough.