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Hey I was wondering, I used to be a Yu-Gi-Oh fan, but not anymore. But I don't see that show anymore, I just see this GX crap. What happened? Did Yugi die? Just tell me what happened to the old gang and who these new people are!

PS If you can find a show clip or something, that would be great!


Well-Known Member
GX basicly takes place a few years into the future after the origional Yugioh. The previous cast is still alive, but they arn't shown.... well some of them make some appearences.
Yeah, that Yu-Gi-Oh DMX is lame.


Come along, dear
It all depends of you see the dub first tough, that'll really put down your outlook on GX, trust me, it isn't the character's fault.

But yeah, it's just in the future of the old show, a cameo of Yugi on the first episode and a couple by Kaiba too. If you give it a chance, you can get used to it.
It all depends of you see the dub first tough, that'll really put down your outlook on GX, trust me, it isn't the character's fault.

But yeah, it's just in the future of the old show, a cameo of Yugi on the first episode and a couple by Kaiba too. If you give it a chance, you can get used to it.
The dub is much better than the sub.

And you forgot Solomon.
Of course, "old man" Solomon as the show likes to make it seem. And guess I'm not one to bash the dub, I just want something more- mature in my anime needs. At least in terms of YGO.

Yeah, because as we all know, an anime about a children's card game needs to be as mature as possible.

The GX dub doesn't take itself seriously, which makes it better than the sub.


Come along, dear
Yeah, because as we all know, an anime about a children's card game needs to be as mature as possible.

The GX dub doesn't take itself seriously, which makes it better than the sub.

You do have a point there, it ives it some comical releife in those parts.

But to be on topic..... I do recomend giving the GX series a better chance, it has a good, more casual feel to it, and really does have some good games in it despite what it may seem at first.

Korobooshi Kojiro

I pretty much view the dub as a parody...

But, GX is camp in the original as well. And I love it.

However, we can all agree HOTC and Shadow Realm needs to die. Right?

Soul Dew

I pretty much view the dub as a parody...

But, GX is camp in the original as well. And I love it.

However, we can all agree HOTC and Shadow Realm needs to die. Right?

YES! As for what happened, Atem went to the after life and ended the Yugioh series.
I pretty much view the dub as a parody...

But, GX is camp in the original as well. And I love it.

However, we can all agree HOTC and Shadow Realm needs to die. Right?

didn't HOTC even appear in the Jap verison too?

If you want parody card game watch Dual Monsters.


please wake up...
HOTC was in the Japanese in a different form that escapes me at the moment.

Also, I would appreciate if you refrained from GX bashing in this thread, because there ARE people who like the dub/raw/both, and just because it's your opinion doesn't make it automatically right.

Just thought I'd set that straight.


Aim for the Top.
GX was made for the card franchise to boost sales and produce more cards so kids would give pour money out by the gallons for them.

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Yay, go Super Mod powers! :D

Anyway, I love the dub of both the original Yu-Gi-Oh and the GX series. That's just me, I guess, but I really love the 4Kids dub of the Yu-Gi-Oh series in its entirity. <3 It could've been worse....and I could stand the HOTC and the Shadow Realm. I wasn't dumb enough as a ten year old not to believe that you didn't die if you were sent to the Shadow Realm...and the HOTC was kind of cute so...yeah.


Know it,Respect it..
I really thought GX was funny first but then I noticed it lacked good monster cards I mean theres a monster thats a bike with eyes thats LAME!I still play the games but... I hate the show.


Borderline Troll
The original Yu-Gi-Oh! had better plot-lines than GX. Come on, a school? It just screams boringness.


HOTC was in the Japanese in a different form that escapes me at the moment.
If I can recall correctly, whenever the Japanese version mentions the cards having a heart, it's only mentioned whenever they're talking about their faith to win. There isn't any "I'm gonna use the Heart of The Cards on you!" shoved into our faces like what the dub does.

Anyway, I liked all the Yu-Gi-Oh! series, leaning more towards the first one (note for all of you who are unaware: I'm not talking about the Duel Monsters series), even though Toei adapted that part of the manga like crap (but really, was the Duel Monsters series adapted any differently aside from the events taking place in the right order (the events existing in the part of the manga it's based on at least?). It made quite a few tweaks itself. :3 They botched some of the canon in the manga - but to be fair, alot of long-running shounen anime based on a manga do that).
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