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Yu YU Hakusho: The Awakening of Max

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Hey everyone! This is a RP that I was dying to make. I'll start with the plot, then, the rules, then the sign up sheet, and my sign up sheet. I hope this will be a successful RP.

Plot: After Yuske Uremeshi and the gang went to relax for two weeks, and then got a warning from Yuske's son( From Jr ). They went to the demon world after their two week acation was over. They saw many demons there. Even some they had killed in the past. Such as, Togoro, and his team. It is your choice to be on a good team, neither, or bad. Let the Demon tournament begin!!

1) No Godmodding
2) No cursing, unless using the words damn and hell.If thats alright with Kai.
3) If you do not follow rules I'll give you two warnings, and if you continue not following them I'll kick you out of this RP.
5) If you are Yuske, Kurama, Hiei, Kuwabara, or any person close to them. You will not die.
6) Character limit is 1 characters but, if you pick two people already made characters then, you have to make up one.
7) You may be all made up characters.
8) If you have any questions about me adding rules then message me!
9) Please have an RPG sample. But is you don't then, thats fine!
10) Every post must be 5 or more lines!! Or it can be 4. No one can be Keiko. She is my girlfriend, since I'm Yusuke.

Sign up example-

Whole name: ( If you have a whole name )
Nickname: ( If one )
Shorter name: ( Just the first name )
Personality: ( What you are like )
Description: ( Your clothing ) You may show a pic.
Gender: ( You know male or female )
weapons: ( Normal weapons )
Spirit weapons: ( Spirit sword aand stuff )
Spririt special abilities: ( Your special attacks and moves )
RPG Sample: ( If you have one )
Other: ( Personal info, or advanced information )

Sign up mines-

Whole Name: Yusuke Uremeshi
NickName: Spirit detective yusuke
Shorter Name: Yusuke
Personality: Brave, can be stubborn, strong, fighting smartwise, protective of friends ( Keicko above all )
Gender: Male
weapons: None
Spirit Weapon: None
Spirit special abilities: Shotgun, Spiritgun, spiritorb, will learn more...
Normal Yusuke
Yusuke Demon form http://www.freewebs.com/foolish_tears/Yusuke.jpg
Other: His girlfriend is keiko


UnlimitedBlade Works
umb, dude, your sign up lacks story, and needs allot more plot. Your sign up is lacking to, look at the samples and other RPGs before you post yours.


Three lines does not constitute a plot. Anyone signing up would have no idea what's going on. When does this take place? Yusuke doesn't have a son in the anime (which goes until he is eighteen if I rcall correctly) so how long after the show does this take place. Who does the gang include? People who are unfamiliar with Yu Yu Hakusho will have no idea what this means or who it involves. What two week vacation? The only real plot you have is "They go to demon world and a see a lot of demons." Well, isn't that to be expected in Demon World? Why did they go to Demon World? You say let the demon tournament begin, so is this one of the demon tournaments to determine the new ruler of demon world (as the first one was held at the end of the series)? How is Toguro there if he is dead and in the spirit world? Elder Toguro is eternally trapped in the sin tree. The others of the team are dead as well (well, I don't remember if Bui died).

Anyone unfamiliar with the anime won't even know what the demon tournament is. What is a "good, neither, or bad" team. Essentially everyone in demon world is "bad" as they are, you know, demons.

5) If you are Yuske, Kurama, Hiei, Kuwabara, or any person close to them. You will not die.

This rule is awfully unbalanced and broken and provides an obvious unfair advantage to anyone playing them.

This needs a lot of work. You have no substantial plot. Some of the questions I proposed are only some of the things it lacks. Make necessary changes and make it rule-abiding and I'll reopen it.
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