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Yugioh GT - Generation T


The Second Dark Magician
“So, you’re the last duelist to try to get pasts the exam, huh?” Sam, a short boy with long brown hair, down to his shoulders, wearing a black vest, unbuttoned barely enough to see his red undershirt, faced a tall, shaded, figure.
“Yeah…” Sam was intimidated by the man’s appearance. He sat down at the table, right across from the man as the spotlight slowly focused on him. He looked around. All was dark at Duel Academia, except for the spotlights, as the exams to join were underway.
“Duel!” Sam was snapped out of his stare as he noticed the man’s voice, it was quick, cold, but not very deep, as Sam expected.
“Got it.” Sam replied

Turn 1
“I’ll go first,” The man said. “Draw!” He drew from his deck of cards. “Nothing here, your move.” (Hand: 6)
‘Already?’ Sam thought. ‘That cant be right, he’s up to something.’ “Go! Draw!” Sam drew, blocking out his thoughts. “I’ll summon my ‘Skilled Dark Magician’, in attack mode.” (ATK: 1900) “Attack!”
4000 - 1900 = 2100​
“And I’ll end with a face down.” (Hand: 4)

Turn 2

“Now, time you feel the darkness!” The man drew. “First, I’ll summon ‘Ner, Magician Of Dark World!’ in attack mode” (ATK: 1900) “Then, go ‘Kishido Spirit’! Now my monsters aren’t destroyed in battle if the ATK points of each monster are equal! Another spell now! ‘Dark World Lightning’!” The man laid down the third card. “It lets me destroy on of your facedowns.” Sam moved his spell card to the graveyard. “But I have to destroy one of my cards.” The man discarded a card from his hand. “But it comes back right now! It was my ‘Beiige, Vanguard Of Dark World’! Thanks to it’s ability, I get to Special Summon it to the field! And another! ‘Dark Room Of Nightmare! It allows my to do 300 direct damage to your Life Points when I attack your directly.” The man put the card back on the field and activated the card from his hand. “Now, Ner, attack!”
1900 = 1900​
“Now my spell kicks in. Your magician is toast!” Sam moved his card to the graveyard. And, thanks to my king’s effect, every other card on my field can attack two times how many monsters Ner destroyed! Attack twice Beiige!”
4000 - (3200 + 600) = 200​
“Your move.” The man finished. (Hand: 1)
‘Darn. He’s completely disabled me!’ Sam yelled at himself silently. “Draw!” Sam drew his card. “Okay! I’ll activate ‘Hammer Shot’, to destroy your magician!” Sam smiled as the man moved his card. “Then I’ll activate ‘Forced Call Of The Charmer’! It allows me to flip cards up off my deck until a Spellcaster-Type monster is flipped, then I can Special Summon it!” Sam flipped three cards. “Yes! It’s my ‘Dark Magician’! But my others go to the graveyard.” Sam discarded the two cards and Special Summoned his ‘Dark Magician’. (ATK: 2500)
“But only…” The man uttered.
“Yugi has that card?” Sam took the words out of his mouth. “Until now!” Sam grinned. “Okay, then I’ll summon ‘Familiar-Possessed - Aussa’ from my hand.” (ATK: 1850) “Attack Beiige Aussa!”
1850 > 1600​
“Two-hundred fifty damage to your life points!”
2100 - 250 =1850​
“And I’m not done, go, ‘Dark Magician’!”
1850 - 2500 = 0000​
“Yes! I win!” (Hand: 1)

Duel End.

Sam jumped out of his seat at the table. The man seemed to disappear as Sam walked up the, now visible due to the lights, stairs.
“Amazing duel!” Another boy, a couple years under Sam’s age, jumped right in front of Sam. He had short, blonde hair and was shorter than Sam. He wore a light blue T-shirt. “I’m next down there.”
“Cool!” Sam winked. “Do your best.”
“Will do.” The kid ran down the steps. Sam ran up to the balcony as they finished the duel.

Turn 5

“Draw.” The kid took his turn first. He seemed to have one face-down defense position monster and three cards in his hand, counting the draw. The opponent, the same man that Sam faced, has one face-up monster that Sam recognized as ‘Beiige, Vanguard Of Dark World’.
“I’ll summon my ‘Hydrogeddon’!” (ATK: 1600) “Attack!”
1600 = 1600​
“Both are destroyed, and when ’Hydrogeddon’ destroys a monster in battle, I can summon another!” The kid took the card from his deck and laid it down as he shuffled his deck. “Then I’ll flip up my ’Mother Grizzly’” (ATK: 1400) “And ’Red Archery Girl’!” (ATK: 1400) “Attack!”
4000 - 1600 = 2400
2400 - 1400 = 1000
1000 - 1400 = 0000​
“That’s game, I win!” (Hand: 2)

Duel End.
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Emerald Shinigami
I like the way you're able to adapt to the battle system. You probably know this already, but Janime has a way to keep track of the summaries, and at the same time keep the number scoring system intact in the article itself. Since writing a GX fiction means a lot of blocky text, you may want to skip a line after each diologue, and add description to how the battles look like. After all, if the monsters are actual holograms, you should add life into them just like GX.


De mosters aren't supposed to be holograms, yet at least.

This was rushed, so is the second, but I'll work a little more on discription next time.

Sorry about placing this topic wrong.

Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
Yeah, I can tell this was rushed. You did no justice to YGO whatsoever. You could at least described the cards and the effects better. Also, tell us what the people look like. There was no emotion at all. I felt like I was playing YGO on my Gameboy. Your duel was also far too scripted. All duels are scripted in YGO but at least make them believable and surprise us.

This is what people want to read:

Scar said:
“My move!” Evan announced to his adversary, drawing an additional card from his deck. “I’ll start things off by placing two cards face-down on the field!”

Officially starting the Duel, Evan Rasuto drew two cards from his hand, sliding them into two of the available Spell/Trap Card Slots on his Duel Disk. In all but perfect unison, both cards slid into place and were scanned by the Duel Disk’s internal computer. Instantaneously, two of the five spaces of which Evan’s backfield was comprised were ignited, completely doused in a beautiful golden light. This computerized form of illumination was scarcely enough to light up the surrounding area, however. It was merely a dim spark of holographic energy used to symbolize the fact that the spaces were occupied and, thusly, unusable. Their existence was more than acknowledged by Professor Muchitsujo, though he didn’t seem to be all that threatened by their being on the field. Rather he was able to remain completely tranquil, maintaining his aura of eerie silence.

“Next, I play my D.D. Assailant (1700/1600)!” Evan shouted.

The boy took yet another Duel Monsters card from his hand, but this time he threw it down onto one of the five available spots making up his front lines. Just like the Spell/Trap Cards before it, the Monster Card was scanned by the Duel Disk’s computers. Immediately a holographic image of the monster depicted on the card materialized on the field. In a brilliant flash of crystalline lights comparable to fireworks, the intangible image of the warrior took shape in the center of Evan’s field. Her silver armor glistened in the rays of sunlight pouring into the room, as did her massive blade. Shoulder length blonde hair blew in the light breeze created by her arrival as her crystal blue eyes tightened into a determined glare.

“You’re up.” Evan nodded swiftly to his foe, thus giving him the ok to start his move.

“Terrific…” Professor Muchitsujo scowled, drawing a card from his own deck. “I’ll start out by placing one card in Face-Down Defense Mode.”

The intimidating Professor placed on his field a Monster Card, but rather than place it face up, he turned it sideways with the picture facing downward. Much like when Evan played his cards own face-down, a spark of illumination lit up one of Professor Muchitsujo’s available Monster Card Zones. It quickly shifted from being a faint flicker of golden light to a steady glow. Though Evan didn’t know what the monster was, he was all but certain that its effect was quite threatening. Most cards played face-down did, otherwise they wouldn’t be in his deck in the first place. Despite this, one monster didn’t frighten him. After all, Evan knew that most Flip Effect Monsters were used for Monster Removal, and he had found a way to turn that into a positive effect.

“Next, I activate the Spell Card Snatch Steal!” Professor Muchitsujo called out, playing a Spell Card face up.

An small burst stream of energy shot from Professor Muchitsujo’s side of the field, striking Evan’s D.D. Assailant directly. While the brave soldier didn’t look to be in any sort of pain, Evan knew what was coming. She was immediately reverted back to a basic playing card, and was engulfed by the burst stream. It acted as a tractor beam, pulling the card back to Professor Muchitsujo’s front line. As soon as it reached its destination, the card was transformed back into its holographic state. However this time the D.D. Assailant was fighting for Professor Muchitsujo rather than Evan. She drew her nigh oversized blade, pointing it directly at Evan.

“Walked right into that one…” Evan shrugged, smirking of all things.

“I’m gonna wipe that grin off your face, maggot…” Evan’s opponent said angrily. “D.D. Assailant, you’re workin’ for me now! Attack the kid directly!”

The D.D. Assailant, however reluctant she may have been, raised her sword into the air and dashed toward Evan’s side of the field. Bypassing his nonexistent first line of defense, she crossed the line into his Spell/Trap Card Zones. The very instant this happened, Evan looked his monster in the eyes and flipped over one of his two Face-down Spell/Trap Cards. His smirk grew more confident as it was revealed to be Sakuretsu Armor, a powerful Trap Card indeed. The boy’s adversary growled as this was made visible, knowing very well what its effect was.

“Sorry ‘bout this, D.D. Assailant.” Evan sighed. “Sakuretsu Armor allows me to destroy an attacking monster. So, in other words, your control over my monster was short-lived.”

The D.D. Assailant raised her sword higher into the air, swinging it down upon Evan. Though just before her attack made contact, a field of energy rose in front of the duelist. It soon took physical form, shaping itself into a suit of armor made of what appeared to be a strange type of black diamond. The D.D. Assailant’s sword struck it at full force, but her attack was deflected with great ease by the armor. The female warrior was then engulfed in her own unique brand of energy, which succeeded in wiping her out completely. Shattering into tiny fragments of data, she sank into the ground below and disappeared altogether.

“I hope you enjoyed your time with D.D. Assailant, Muchitsujo…” Evan said jokingly.

“Yeah keep it up, kid.” Professor Muchitsujo replied through gritted teeth. “Your move.”

Evan glanced up into the audience, simultaneously drawing a card from his deck and adding it to his hand. Though his primary reason for looking toward the audience was to see if anyone was watching his duel, one student in particular managed to catch his interest. She was a returning student, and a very attractive one at that. The boy stared directly at her with great intrigue for but a moment or two before realizing what it was he was doing. Her beauty had more than attracted his attention, that much was certain. Having remembered that he was currently in a duel, he swiftly looked back at his hand, extremely embarrassed at his prior actions.

Oh snap I think she noticed me… He thought nervously, somehow able to regain his composure in a matter of seconds. But…who is that?

Try to stay focused, kid. D.D. Survivor chuckled, appearing as a semi-transparent apparition behind the boy.

Ah shut it…You’re probably gonna be staring at her for ninety percent of this duel… Evan sighed.

Of course not. Her Spirit Partner is pretty cute, though. D.D. Survivor laughed, but then faded out into thin air before Evan could question his last statement.

Spirit Partner…? Evan asked, but got no response. “Err…okay, then, I’m up I guess. And I think I’ll start my turn off by Special Summoning my Cyber Dragon (2100/1700) to the field in Attack Mode, using its special effect!”

Another flash of light engulfed Evan’s side of the field, though this one was a deep sapphire color as opposed to the basic golden light which usually appeared when a monster was summoned. This was because, this time, Evan was Special Summoning a monster rather than Normal Summoning one. And the final product of the Summon was all the more spectacular. A mechanical serpentine beast materialized on the field, opening its silver mouth and letting loose a mighty roar fit for a dragon. Barring its dagger-like teeth, it glared down at Professor Muchitsujo with its emerald eyes. Coiling up on Evan’s field, it went into an inactive state as it awaited Evan’s next command.

“But before entering my Battle Phase, I’ll active my Trap Card, Macrocosmos!” Evan yelled, flipping over his remaining Trap Card. “Now, any card that would normally be sent to the Cemetery is instead removed from play! And now that that’s over with, Cyber Dragon…attack Muchitsujo’s face-down monster!”

The Cyber Dragon uncoiled its armored body, floating slowly into the air as it further opened its huge jaws. A sphere of emerald energy was then charged up within the confines of its mouth as the dragon prepared to attack. Leaning over and thusly taking aim, it sent one last pulse of energy into the attack, allowing it to grow in size. Expelling the energy from its body, the machine sent its attack flying toward Professor Muchitsujo’s face-down monster. Though, unfortunately, the monster was revealed to be Morphing Jar (700/600)! The black shadow grinned a mischievous grin as its eerie yellow eyes scanned its environment.

“Wrong move, maggot. Now we both have to discard out hands to the Cemetery, and draw five new cards from our decks.” Professor Muchitsujo stated confidently, discarding his hand and immediately drawing five more cards.”

“But you forgot one thing…because of Macrocosmos, those cards are removed from play instead.” Evan corrected, removing from play the four cards remaining in his hand and then drawing a new hand for himself.

“Yeah like that changes anything. They’re still gone, maggot.” Professor Muchitsujo growled.

“Heh…yeah you keep thinking that.” Evan smirked. All part of my plan…
Not an overdose of description, but fun to read nonetheless. I could picture what was going on in my head because he described so well. Aim for that.


Got it. I tried more on chapter 3, so here's both chapters.

“Word. Did you see that Sam?” The kid asked Sam as he walked up onto the balcony.
“A little…” Sam said. “What was your name again?”
“Dealio” Dealio pronounced his name with an accent. “Of the ocean. Del Océano”
“That’s cool.” Sam laughed to himself. “Mine’s based off ‘Duello di Samuel’ Sam and duel in Italian. Or something like that. My mom and dad were big duelists back then.” Sam ended the topic in a chuckle.
“All new students, report the dueling stages!” A loud voice came from above the two.
“Lets go!” Dealio ran, Sam following.
They finally reached the stages. “Duello.” Sam suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice.
“Duello.” Three other light voices said it in unison.
“Huh?” Sam thought aloud. “Did you say something Dealio?”
“Nope.” He turned around and said, watching Sam closely. A voice boomed through the stages.
“We’ll be doing ranks in alphabetical order.” The loudspeaker voice boomed again. “First, Dealio Azun. Ra Yellow.”
“Yes! Yes!” Dealio jumped, “Second rank!”
“And Second, Sam Azyn, Slifer Red!”
“Say what?” Sam asked.
“What’re they talking about?” Dealio asked, “You did great!”
Sam shrugged and walked out of the dome holding the dueling stages. “Duello.” The voices all said in unison.
A small fairy, about Dealio’s size appeared in front of Sam. It wore a light-green robe and had green hair, tied in a ponytail. Sam recognized it.
“Wynn?” Sam asked, amazed. It was one of his cards.
Another fairy, the same small size, appeared. It wore a gray robe and had long, red hair.
“Hita!” Sam named it again.
Yet, another fairy appeared, this time wearing a light-brown robe and sporting short, gray hair and square-shaped glasses.
“Aussa!” It was becoming a game for Sam to name them. “And let me guess, Eria is next?”
The three fairies nodded as a fourth appeared. This one had a gray robe and long, straight, blue hair.
“Duello.” They said in unison.
“What, you gals don’t want me to forget that word?” Sam wondered.
The fairies nodded. Each reached out and a staff appeared in their hands. Wynn’s resembled a dragon at the tip, coiling around a green tear. Hita’s resembled a crown, bearing a orange orb. Aussa’s resembled a broomstick, flashy brown diamonds raging out. Eria’s resembled a wave, clenching a drop of water.
They held the staffs together and a table appeared. “Duello.”
“Okay.” Sam knelt at the table as the fairies disappeared and a new object appeared at the other side of the table. It seemed to be a boy, wearing a golden-brown shirt and blue shorts. He had short black hair and was wielding two swords. He pointed at the table and a deck of cards appeared.
“Gotcha.” Sam nodded jokingly, pulling out his cards. “Duello!”

Turn 1

“Me first!” Sam yelled, jokingly. He drew as the boy nodded. “Huh!” Sam looked at his hand. ‘Magic Hero - Storm’ and ‘Magic Hero - Wave’ were sitting there. ‘When’d I get these?’ Sam shrugged.
“I’ll summon ‘Blast Magician’ in attack mode!” (ATK: 1400) “Your move!” (Hand: 5)
The boy nodded and drew. He laid down a card in attack position. Sam looked over. ‘White Magical Hat’. (ATK: 1000) The boy then activated a spell card. Sam looked again. ‘Magical Dimension’. Sam was quite familiar with this card, having it in his deck as well. He and the boy moved their monsters to the graveyard and the boy Special Summoned ‘D.D.M. Different Dimension Master’ in attack mode. (ATK: 1700) The boy moved the card up to Sam to show an attack.
4000 - 1700 = 2300​
“Okay…” Sam said as the boy set a card face-down.

Turn 2

“I’ll draw.” Sam drew “And summon my ‘Skilled Dark Magician’!” (ATK: 1900) “Then activate ‘Lightning Vortex’ to destroy your monster.” Sam smiled. “Attack him directly, Magician!”
4000 - 1900 = 2100​
“Your move.” The boy nodded and drew. He played a card. Sam looked once again. ‘Flashing Equipment’ Sam read it. In one turn, the boy would be able to sacrifice one ‘Twin Swords Of Flashing Light - Tryce’ from his deck to Special Summon one ‘Guardian Tryce’ from his hand. The boy flipped another card up. Sam read it to. ‘Pyro Clock Of Destiny’ Sam was familiar with this card too. It would move the turn counter forward, allowing the boy’s ‘Flashing Equipment’ to activate. Sam watched as the boy finished the conditions and laid down the card. He moved it forward again and Sam saw the artwork of his card. It looked exactly like the boy.
“Tryce?” Sam asked. The boy nodded and his lips moved for the first time.
“Tryce? Duello? What the? Sam!” Sam recognized the voice. It was Dealio. “Sam?”

Vs. The E - Kuribohs
“Sam?” Sam heard Dealio’s worried voice. “Sam? You okay? Come on, wake up. There’s a big news announcement and I’m not gonna leave ya.”
Sam slowly opened his eyes. “I’m… Awake? When’d I go to sleep?”
“I found you out here.” Sam saw the blurry Dealio standing up. He was standing in front of the Academia.
“Wait…” Sam suddenly jumped up. “Where’s Tryce. Show yourselves Charmers!”
“Oh, right, you were muttering something while you slept. Something about Tryce. And Eria, Aussa, Hita, and Wynn too. Who are they? Tell me.” Dealio turned around. “On the way of course, there’s a real big news announcement inside. Lets go!” Dealio started running, seeming to ignore Sam’s current condition.
Sam got up. “Tryce.” He started running.


“Wow.” Dealio looked in glory at the tall figure on the high stage of the dome. “It’s Judai! It’s really Judai!”
“Yeah, this is so cool!” Sam also watched in amazement.
The figure stepped into the light. The man had long brown hair and was wearing a black uniform. “I cant just be coming here for no reason.” The man’s voice boomed around the stadium as students came flooding in. “I am taking this day off to return to the school I once grew up at.” A few girls screamed wildly. “So, now, I shall pick one, and only one, student of this school, out of a raffle, and the picked duelist.” The man paused. “Will get to be the first throw down with your truly, Judai Yuki, and my new deck!”
The shaded figure appeared at the side of the stage, bearing a black hat with the letter “E” on each side of it. He walked over to Judai.
“Oh, I must of forgot to tell you.” Judai pulled a card out of the hat. “You will also be the first on to duel in one of Kaiba Corp’s newest inventions! No, say goodbye to old-school dueling at a table. No, it’s not an advanced duel-disk! It’s Kaiba Corp’s virtual reality machine! It puts more life in duels than ever!” Judai looked at the card. “Sam Azyn? Anyone named Sam Azyn?” Sam ran up to the stage.
“That would be me!” He yelled. He was going to duel Judai!
“Okay, Sam. Right here. Duel!”

Turn 1

“I’ll go first!” Judai pulled a deck of cards out of his pocket as a machine lowered on Judai and Sam’s sides. Judai inserted his deck into a small hole in the machine. Sam shrugged and followed. “This machine with scan each card in your deck. It with prepare the holograms for when you play the cards.” Judai explained. A metal rod lowered down to the ground in the middle of the duelists. “As we speak, boxes like this are being built all over the Academia.” The rod built itself into a large square, divided into twenty smaller squares. “These squares will be where each of our cards are played.” The square split in half and sided towards each duelist. “Now they should prop up and it’s game time.” Judai explained again. The squares seemed to follow his orders, lifted up into the air, about each duelist’s height, by a small rod.
“Okay, go.” Judai drew six cards out of the machine. “Okay, first I’ll summon my ‘E - Hero Bubbleman’!” (ATK: 800) Judai set the card on a square. Sam shielded his eyes as soapy bubbles popped in his face. He finally looked around his arms and saw a man with a tube on one arm and another arm holding it steady, seeming braced for attack. He wore a blue jumpsuit with a blue cape and a blue helmet, almost making him look like a warrior fused with a blue mole. Sam laughed silently at the thought. “Pretty sweet huh? It allows me to draw two cards!” Judai drew two more cards from the machine. “Then I’ll activate ‘Polymerization’ to fuse my ‘Kuriboh’ and ‘E - Hero Burstinatrix’ to Fusion Summon my ‘Flame Kuriboh’!” (ATK: 300) Judai threw down another card from his fusion deck, under his deck zone. Sam watched this time as a flaming ball appeared on Judai’s side of the stage. A light flashed quickly as a small animal appeared. It has blue eyes on each side of a giant red furry mass, only black arms with white claws and white legs with black claws sprouted from the mass. “Then I’ll leave it at that.” (Hand: 2)
“Okay!” Sam drew his six cards. “Oh and a tip.” Sam winked. “Never say ‘Sweet’ in public.”
A few boys in the crowd snickered at the joke.
“Now. Lets try this thing out.” Sam looked at his hand. ‘Hmm, those ‘Magic Hero’ cards again. Worth a shot…’ Sam started to work his plan. “Now, I’ll summon my ‘Hita The Fire Charmer’!” (ATK: 500) Sam smiled as he saw the back of the magician’s red hair and gray robe. But something seemed new about her. Sam looked at the card. Now a small fox with a flaming tail appeared alongside the magician. ’So that was it.’ Sam thought, as he saw the flaming tail outstretched, most of the fox hidden in front of the magician.
“Then I’ll activate ‘Forced Summon’!” Sam watched as the spell card appeared on the field as a hologram “I discard all cards from my hand except two monsters. Then I sacrifice one card on the field to summon my monsters, ignoring the summoning conditions. And I choose…” Sam flipped his charmer into another slot, on top of the deck slot, in the machine. Then he turned the cards in his hand visible to Judai. “My first magic hero! ‘Magic Hero - Storm’!” (ATK: 100) “And ‘Wynn The Wind Charmer’!” (ATK: 500)
Sam watched as Hita disappeared and one of his newest card appeared. It resembled a small magician with a yellow robe, holding a staff very much like Wynn’s, but in stead of one dragon surrounding the tear, two stood, frozen in stone, around the tear. The monster sported nice blonde hair and wore a blue strip of lining around it’s waste. Wynn looked almost the same as normal, but she seemed to have an animal with her too, a baby dragon was hiding behind her, blending in with her gray robes. Sam checked the card again and easily spotted the dragon.
“Now I’ll use my hero’s ability, it can equip to one of my charmers, and I pick Wynn!” Sam watched and waited as nothing continued to happen. “Huh?” He asked rhetorically.
“Monsters wont do just anything.” Judai smiled. “You have to be specific, name their attacks and effects.” Judai winked. “Get in tune with your cards.”
“Okay, lets go, Storm! ‘Wind Equipment’!” Sam watched as Wynn (ATK: 2500) accepted the trade of staffs with Storm (ATK: 100) on the field. “Then. Attack Wynn, ‘Tornado Strike’!” Sam watched in amazement as the first attack of the duel was made. Wynn quickly jumped in front of ‘Flame Kuriboh’ and slashed it twice with her new staff.
2500 > 300​
The red beast shattered as Judai moved it to his graveyard zone, above the deck zone. “You thought ya got my life points there, didn’t ya?” Judai laughed. “Nope, when my ‘Flame Kuriboh’ is destroyed, I can Special Summon one card with ‘Kuriboh’ in it’s name from my fusion deck. And all battle damage that turn is reduced to zero. Nada.” Judai looked through his fusion deck. “I’ll choose this bad boy. Come on, ‘Arial Kuriboh’!” (ATK: 300) Sam watched as another Kuriboh took the field. This time it has black eyes, green fur and white hands and feet with red claws. “It’s effect makes me fuse it with any possible card in my graveyard, so I’ll Fusion Summon my ‘Flame Wingman Kuriboh’!” (ATK: 2300) Sam watched as yet another Kuriboh appeared. This time it was split in half, one half has red fur, blue eyes, and black feet, hands, and claws. The other had green fur, black eyes, and red feet, hands, and claws. “Hah! Try that on for size!”
“Okay, your turn…” Sam was intimidated by the monster.

EDIT: Almost forgot, the cards:

Magic Hero - Storm


Wind - Spellcaster - Effect

ATK: 100
DEF: 100

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by removing “Wynn The Wind Charmer” equipped with “Wind Embodiment” from your field to you graveyard. Once per turn, you may equip this card to “Eria The Water Charmer”, “Hita The Fire Charmer”, or “Aussa The Earth Charmer”. The equipped card gets an extra 2000 ATK and DEF points.


Flame Kuriboh

Fire - Fiend - Effect - Fusion

ATK: 300
DEF: 200

'E - Hero Bustinatrix' + 'Kuriboh'

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Fusion Summoned by the effects of 'Polymerization'. If this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 fusion monsters with 'Kuriboh' in it's name from your Fusion Deck. If this card is destroyed in battle, all battle damage that turn is reduced to 0.

Arial Kuriboh

Wind - Fiend - Effect - Fusion

ATK: 300
DEF: 200

'E - Hero Avian' + 'Kuriboh'

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card must fuse with any possible card in you graveyard.

And, lastly thanks for the tips, I really tried on the 3rd chapter.
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Well-Known Member
Please include one chapter per post, please. It's in the rules. Also, these two chapters combined are barely enough to constitute one chapter.