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Zatch Bell!


Bloody git
OMG the thread livessss. <3

Last night's episode was GROOOOVY indeed. Can't wait til next week's. They should play the Groovy song Kafka sings.. but they won't since they never translate the good songs anymore. >>

Ponygon is so groooovy~
OMG the thread livessss. <3
Pirika pirilala poporina paperuto! Revive this thread!:D

...jk, nya!

They should play the Groovy song Kafka sings.. but they won't since they never translate the good songs anymore. >>
Gracious and Groovy was never played in the next ep. However, Umagon Rock's instrumental was played 3 times in a row in the appropriate scene.:D

And not translating the good songs? Muteki Folgoré was kept intact, and that's probably the best song played in the animé!;)

Ponygon is so groooovy~
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Rawr >3
:O The thread is alive!? That hasn't happened for awhile. XD

XD I love how Kafka says groovy. 'tis funneh. :3


Beginning Trainer
Does anyone know the name of the song that plays when Sunbeam runs and throws the sand in that guys eyes? I love it.


Bloody git
Muteki Folgore is waaaay different in the sub than in the dub.

All they say in the dub is "Iron Man Folgore" etc etc.

In the sub, theres a whooooole other verse, and its Folgore of Steel not iron. XD Thats really the only one they translated thats so-so. Don't get me started on how horrible the Megumi songs are in English.
Muteki Folgore is waaaay different in the sub than in the dub.

All they say in the dub is "Iron Man Folgore" etc etc.

In the sub, theres a whooooole other verse, and its Folgore of Steel not iron. XD
Duh, I have the Japanese song.:rolleyes: Still catchy as hell in both versions. Wasn't the 00F song played a while back? Must've been the eppie I missed.:p

But I do have to agree on Megumi's songs(and don't get me started on Chichi wo Moge...I hate the original song.:p). But at least the music was kept, ne?


Strawberry Milk
Don't get me started on how horrible the Megumi songs are in English.

I hear you right there. XD

PH: I agree with you. Both of the versions are very addiciting. I mean I pretty much sing the song when i'm walking to school or going somewhere because it got stuck in my head. XD
Aw, the rock 'n' roll portion of Umagon Rock was used only once(and they replaced the rest of the instrumental, particularly during the katakana lesson). Kachi very upset, nya.:(

But great to see Li-Yen and Won-Rei back. Rock Lee level Taijutsu ftw!:D


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it was like that in the original version too, with just the intro and then the instrumental.

How's Sunbeam's dubbed voice? Canada's a bit behind on the dub episodes, so it'll still be a little while before we get there. They kept his "Groovy!" though, and that makes me rather happy.
I looked at the sub again, and the RnR beginning was just used for the first dance. The polka is used for the rest of the scene(the slow part near the end used for Umagon's depression) until Leila returns.

And to take things further, the reason Zatch gets the name completely wrong is that he's rotating or seeing the katakana from his POV. So, in the Japanese...

Umagon: Sch-u-na-i-daa(Schnieder)

Gash: U-ma-go-n da(I am Umagon)!
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once was human
YAY zatch bell!! love this show love kiyo and kulolo is my fav demonand my bishie i watch mix of the sub and dub what ever i can find on you tube also made charather for this show i love this show so much i find the sub better but the dub is not that bad (sorry if am spamming)


Staff member
Super Mod
I like Zatch Bell. It makes me laugh. Especially when that weird girl with the funny grin who never opens her moth appears...her name evades me but she like lives in the park and her and Zatch have like competitions..
Especially when that weird girl with the funny grin who never opens her moth appears...her name evades me but she like lives in the park and her and Zatch have like competitions..
Naomi? I don't like her...apparantly, according to the manga, her weird chompers are passed down from her parents.:eek:(interesting fact: Naomi's seiyuu did Palmon from Digimon, and Reika's photographer friend from Ojamajo Doremi; while her VA did...the hell? LOPMON?!:eek:)
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Soul Dew

Naomi? I don't like her...apparantly, according to the manga, her weird chompers are passed down from her parents.:eek:(interesting fact: Naomi's seiyuu did Palmon from Digimon, and Reika's photographer friend from Ojamajo Doremi; while her VA did...the hell? LOPMON?!:eek:)

So Naomi's parents are pirahnas?


Bloody git
Zatch Bell is cool Anyone see the one on saturday..?

Yup, I watched it last saturday and the saturday before that. The Majestic 12were just lol. LADY SUSAN CHOP! XD They edited it out so much we didn't even know what she was doing! Her voice is so sterotyped to Southern people it sickens me. >> Psycho Jungle needed to help the tigers win the super bowl! >O

Anyways, the episode was pretty funny. "Tia's plan the confess!" looks kinda cute... yet not exactly the greatest filler episode.

Soul Dew

Yup, I watched it last saturday and the saturday before that. The Majestic 12were just lol. LADY SUSAN CHOP! XD They edited it out so much we didn't even know what she was doing! Her voice is so sterotyped to Southern people it sickens me. >> Psycho Jungle needed to help the tigers win the super bowl! >O

Anyways, the episode was pretty funny. "Tia's plan the confess!" looks kinda cute... yet not exactly the greatest filler episode.

What did she do that was cut out?

Man, I just love the Majestic 12. Would you prefer Lady Susan who smells good to sound like Sailor Pluto in the S dub?