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Zatch Bell!


Johto Champion
What did she do that was cut out?

Man, I just love the Majestic 12. Would you prefer Lady Susan who smells good to sound like Sailor Pluto in the S dub?

Ha ha. She slaps her boobs up and down... that's why everyone was staring at her like she was doing something naughty in the dub. XD

Soul Dew

Ha ha. She slaps her boobs up and down... that's why everyone was staring at her like she was doing something naughty in the dub. XD

Kids could see that in Japan?


Johto Champion
Kids could see that in Japan?
Yeah. They don't show her boobs uncovered (though her outfit in the Japanese version is more...skimpy). She just... slaps them up and down alot. If you watch the 2nd Japanese opening, they show a quick glimpse of what she does.

Soul Dew

Yeah. They don't show her boobs uncovered (though her outfit in the Japanese version is more...skimpy). She just... slaps them up and down alot. If you watch the 2nd Japanese opening, they show a quick glimpse of what she does.

Can you show me a screenshot of that?


Johto Champion

It's okay if I just linked the pic from my documents, right? I don't know how to do it any other way, since I can't find any actual pics of her on the net.

It looks like you'll have to copy and paste. If it doesn't work, tell me.

Soul Dew


It's okay if I just linked the pic from my documents, right? I don't know how to do it any other way, since I can't find any actual pics of her on the net.

It looks like you'll have to copy and paste. If it doesn't work, tell me.

Just put up a photobucket account. It's free.


New Member
this show, was kinda weird.
i didnt get the plot or what was happening at first, but it was a good show for the first 10 or so episodes.
after that, it just got boring.
all they did was keep on fighting to become momoto king and crying and stuff.
i need a cool, tough anime.
something alongsides of...... naruto.

Soul Dew

Now go make her your bishie. I know you want to.

Lady Susan is awesome. And has the best power since Aquaman.

Jus' playin' Soul Dew :D

I already have Kusanagi but I wanted to get Yomi Mizuhara. For some reason I find her the most attractive out of the group.


Bloody git
this show, was kinda weird.
i didnt get the plot or what was happening at first, but it was a good show for the first 10 or so episodes.
after that, it just got boring.
all they did was keep on fighting to become momoto king and crying and stuff.
i need a cool, tough anime.
something alongsides of...... naruto.

Its not momoto, its MAMODO. I'll explain to someone else, AGAIN what Zatch Bell is.

First of all, it is COOL and TOUGH. Have you seen the sub version? Kiyo was so bloody from his first battle, he nearly died. DIED. Naruto lived through his first battle with barely any wounds. Do you see the difference? Iruka was the one who was hurt, not Naruto. Zatch AND Kiyo were put into near death situations. If you've only watched 10 episodes, you really have no room to talk about it.

Yes there is crying, but have you seen Naruto? There was freakin crying in the first episode. FIRST. Zatch Bell is just as tough as Naruto, or tougher. They don't just shoot spells and run away. They fight hand to hand combat. Its bloody, gorey, and emotional. Read the manga sometime, or go watch it on Youtube.

Naruto is boring. FILLERS. People are loosing interest in that show.

Srsly, don't call Zatch Bell boring, when Naruto isn't any better. I'd prefer you to post WHY you think its boring please. Not for the sole purpose of posting.


Rawr >3
Its not momoto, its MAMODO. I'll explain to someone else, AGAIN what Zatch Bell is.

First of all, it is COOL and TOUGH. Have you seen the sub version? Kiyo was so bloody from his first battle, he nearly died. DIED. Naruto lived through his first battle with barely any wounds. Do you see the difference? Iruka was the one who was hurt, not Naruto. Zatch AND Kiyo were put into near death situations. If you've only watched 10 episodes, you really have no room to talk about it.

Yes there is crying, but have you seen Naruto? There was freakin crying in the first episode. FIRST. Zatch Bell is just as tough as Naruto, or tougher. They don't just shoot spells and run away. They fight hand to hand combat. Its bloody, gorey, and emotional. Read the manga sometime, or go watch it on Youtube.

Naruto is boring. FILLERS. People are loosing interest in that show.

Srsly, don't call Zatch Bell boring, when Naruto isn't any better. I'd prefer you to post WHY you think its boring please. Not for the sole purpose of posting.

o.o Go Kui! XD She's right ya know, the dub has edited out quite a bit of the stuff that makes it to more your "standards". ~.~ Sure Naruto might have a little more blood than the dub Zatch Bell, but err, yay blood? XD Zatch Bell doesn't have NEARLY the amount of fillers Naruto has. x___x Like Kui said, go watch the sub Zatch Bell on YouTube or read the manga. It'll probably surprise you. XD
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Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
o.o Go Kui! XD She's right ya know, the dub has edited out quite a bit of the stuff that makes it to more your "standards". ~.~ Sure Naruto might have a little more blood than the dub Zatch Bell, but err, yay blood? XD Zatch Bell doesn't have NEARLY the amount of fillers Naruto has. x___x Like Kui said, go watch the sub Zatch Bell on YouTube or read the manga. It'll probably surprise you. XD
I actually believe that the Zatch Bell anime has no fillers at all, iirc


Rawr >3
Well, not whole filler arcs, but occasionally there's an episode or two that takes a break from the Mamodo battle. ;) Like, Kiyo's Curry Camping Trip. XD