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Zatch Bell!

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Well, not whole filler arcs, but occasionally there's an episode or two that takes a break from the Mamodo battle. ;) Like, Kiyo's Curry Camping Trip. XD
Yes, but those were in the manga too, so you really can't count them as fillers.


Well-Known Member
There are really no fillers until we get to the Faudo arc.

Like the last 10 episodes of the anime were all thrown together. Eventualy the manga will have the real ending and not the thrown together one the anime gave us.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
There are really no fillers until we get to the Faudo arc.

Like the last 10 episodes of the anime were all thrown together. Eventualy the manga will have the real ending and not the thrown together one the anime gave us.
Yes, that did happen because the anime caught up to the manga. But don't worry, the anime will continue on later.


Rawr >3
Yes, but those were in the manga too, so you really can't count them as fillers.

Ahh, I see. I don't know too much about the manga. XD

Gash's voice actor quit? D: Surely they could find a replacement at some point, couldn't they? o.o

Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
Actualy the anime will never continue because the voice actor for Gash left the show.
>>; Voices actors can be replaced. I heard that the leading animator/producer's arm was broken and production just stopped. They need to continue because the series didn't have much closure at the end. It's obvious that the production stopping was an accident.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
>>; Voices actors can be replaced. I heard that the leading animator/producer's arm was broken and production just stopped. They need to continue because the series didn't have much closure at the end. It's obvious that the production stopping was an accident.
In Japan, Voice Actors are respected and if they leave the show, that character will usually be written off. However, as a main VA quit, the show will probably not continue on.


Well-Known Member
The creator's arm was injered, but that did not stop anything. He simply had other people do the work for him.

When a voice actor leaves/dies/ect. they either kill off the character or [since Gash was a main character] end the show. It shows respect for the person who left/died/ect. Every Japanese anime does this, most American shows do this too, but not all.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
The creator's arm was injered, but that did not stop anything. He simply had other people do the work for him.

When a voice actor leaves/dies/ect. they either kill off the character or [since Gash was a main character] end the show. It shows respect for the person who left/died/ect. Every Japanese anime does this, most American shows do this too, but not all.
Yes it happened in the Simpsons. When Phil Hartman dies, they wrote Troy McClure off the show.


Entertain me minions
Originally Posted by Leon Phelps

>>; Voices actors can be replaced. I heard that the leading animator/producer's arm was broken and production just stopped. They need to continue because the series didn't have much closure at the end. It's obvious that the production stopping was an accident.

That's wrong but close. The mangaka had injured his hand and couldn't draw anymore. That's one of the reasons why the anime caught up.

THEN, Gash seiyuu (Otani Ikue) had gotten pregnant so she couldn't voice act anymore. They did bring it a replacement for the last 10 eps.

And the last reason is that Digimon Savers was coming out soon so Fuji TV and Toei decided to let it take Gash Bell's slot since they had made ideas and whatnot to finish the anime.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I've seen a bit and it's not that bad, but I rather play the game for PS2. It's more fun :9