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Zatch Bell!


Johto Champion
Dogasu said:
Why? Gash Bell isn't a show for adults.

By the way, here's that gun edit everyone was talking about. Supposedly, it looked better in motion than it does as a still shot:


Let's hope ShoPro doesn't handle the editing of Naruto.
One Question...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT GUY HOLDING?! What kinda edit is that?


The Queen
I love Zatch Bell! Zatch is so cute! I really hate the dubs, but hopefully the manga (if and when) will clear things up for my poor underprivlaged, dubbed eyes. ;_; It sucks that they replaced YYH, but it's still great. I just wish it would come on later so that I could see it easier instead of having to wait a day longer. I missed the recent one - what happened?


Master Coordinator
Breezy said:
Yeah, Naomi and Tio are the mamodos at the far left. ^_^; Dunno why the stupid pics not working but meh.
Wait a sec...that girl with the big teeth is a mamodo? She doesn't look it; missing the eyes, isn't she?

Ralts Master

Knight of White Eye
That would explain the creepy mouth, though...

And the blonde girl with the goth-looking Mamodo is pretty hot. She's like all the best parts of the women of Gundam Wing mixed together (she looks like a fusion of Dorothy and Relena, and her English VA was Noin's also...)


Master Coordinator
Breezy said:
Yeah, but the blue-haired mamodo doesn't really have the eyes either (sorry, forgot his name) and neither does Brocke (the dark mamodo.. dunno if I spelt his dubbed name right though).

Actually, Naomi might not be one but I'm not too sure. ^^; *goes to look it up*
What I meant was...well, what Kiyo noticed:

"His [blue haired mamodo] eyes are just like Zatch's."

With the puppet-ish lines down the face from the eyes. I think Brocke has them too. Just spiky and unusual.


Master Coordinator
Breezy said:
True dat. I dunno if Tio has them though. *forgets* She looked pretty regular though (for an anime character anyways lol).

I think all the mamodo's have a trait that seperates them from regular little children but meh. ^^;
The pink-haired girl? She doesn't look like it, based on the pic in your sig.

Of course, you can only see half of her face there, so...


gladdecease said:
Wait a sec...that girl with the big teeth is a mamodo? She doesn't look it; missing the eyes, isn't she?

Yes, that's what I thought. lol Other than that she looks exactly like a mamodo.


Master Coordinator
Breezy said:
(Don't ya love how I can put five pics in one? =P) Last pic. Tio and her human partner (forgot her name heh). Yeah, she doesn't seem like it, I know. =P
Maybe girls are different? I dunno, I haven't seen any other girl mamodos. Mayhap they simply don't have the eye-to-chin marks the guys have. I'm just guessing here, though...prove me wrong if you can.


Well-Known Member
'Course, not all guys have the lines either


See that duck one? That's Kanchome! He art the duck mamodo. XP Forgot if the one with the glasses is one though. Don't think I've seen that episode. But he there's with the mamodos and I think he has that magician looking guy as his partner heh. ^^;
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Master Coordinator
Breezy said:

See that duck one? That's Kanchome! He art the duck mamodo. XP Forgot if the one with the glasses is one though. Don't think I've seen that episode. But he there's with the mamodos and I think he has that magician looking guy as his partner heh. ^^;
That's true...*sighs* Doesn't seem like any rules about mamodos end up being true.


Well-Known Member
gladdecease said:
That's true...*sighs* Doesn't seem like any rules about mamodos end up being true.
It's a confusing world, that Zatch Bell, mamodo world.

So, who's your favorite mamodo out of the . . . four or five that have showed up (was there a wind one in the beginning or am I really confused right now)? =P Prolly Zatch but ya never know. I think Brocke's cool. =P
Oh Gashbell - I watch the Japanese one ^_^
Love Zeon and Dufeur ^_^ Their evil but cool :D

A pretty cool anime, anyone seen the game or played it : D
Yeah ^_^

The first and Second one, both in jpn version.

People said it's bad, but it's actually fun when you get into it, each demon child has their own set of attacks, well mostly 5 attacks, but lots of fun unlocking the characters. When you get into it, you end up wanting to unlock the rest : P
lol That's that good one ^_^

Seen Yu Gi Oh, the whole entire Yu Gi Oh Series 1 which was only out in jpn was cutted out, when Yugi first got his Puzzle. According to all dubbed anime, scenes and episodes were cutted out. I think they'll cut the song out, and the episodes bad enough, so I think they'll just cut that episode out : P

But that'll be a problem in the future...
I was wondering about that...

Oh say, you seen Zeon appearing? He only appears in Episode 31. I heard he appears on Ep. 41 and 42, but haven't seen him appearing since.