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Zelda and the Twilight before Christmas (Europe)


Well-Known Member
Did you think the title meant a new game?

Anyway, I spoke to a bloke in GameStation on Saturday about Zelda TP. Really I was checking if I could get it on launch. However, I pretty much taken aback when he said that TP might not be at launch in Europe. I checked with another member of staff who said the same thing. They both agreed however that it should defiantly be available before Christmas, which is a form of relief.

Anywho, I went down to GAME and enquired there and they said it would defiantly be available for launch and even looked at me like was an idiot asking, hence the reason I don't buy from GAME.

So I dismissed these claims as GameStation simply trying to get me to pre-order the game from them.

However, I came across this list of release dates.


Now, if you avoid the fact that FFXII isn't here until Q1 '07 and FFIII doesn't even have a release date for Europe yet, you will see Zelda's date is on the Wii release date for America but simply Q4 for Europe.

What the hell!!!

Have Nintendo shunted Europe AGAIN like every other fecking games company out there!!!

PLUS, to make matters worse, GameStation also mentioned that Red Steel won't be available at launch either. So now I'm stuck with a pre-ordered Wii, but no Zelda, no Red Steel and, God help me, there had better be Excite Truck!!!



Hoenn Champion
Well, I think that it is stupid if this is true. I think that it is unfair for Nintendo to leave Europe out all of the time. I also think that the games stores need to get their facts clear, which would avoid all of this confusion.

If TP is not a launch title for the Wii, I am not getting one till it is released. There are not really all that many great launch titles for the Wii here in Europe anyway. IMO


Well-Known Member


Irate Pirate
It's bloody annoying that despite the DS being in it's prime there's only 1 new decent game out for it in Europe, Yoshi's Island. Everything else has been shunted back for the new year. The delay for Japanese releases like FFIII is understandable due to localization but game released in the US for Christmas like Elite Beat Agents have no excuse.

Then there's Wario Ware Twisted, it's been over 1 1/2 years since it's US release and it still has no EU release date

Smile Guy

Keep Smiling...
I actually had a similar story to you.

I pre-ordered my Wii a while back at my local Gamestation, and a couple of weeks later, pre-ordered Twilight Princess. The thing is, my friend tried to pre-order them both about a week later (from the same shop) and was told that they were not excepting pre-orders for Twilight Princess.

It's a mystery I'm currently looking into.


Hoenn Champion
Well, maybe the shops had taken the maximim amount of pre-orders.

I still do not understand why games companies always treat EU the worst. I mean, we have only ever seen 2 tales games, and half of the RPG's for the PS2 are never released here. Plusd there is the fact that there is such a huge wait between when america get a game and when EU get it. You would think that they would start translating the game for EU the same time as America.

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
strange. i managed to pre order a wii and twilight princess from my local GAME shop but they had already had to many preoders, so they put my details on a list of people, that if someone droped out, we can jump up and take their console, (still in it's packaging!!!)

so now i'm hoping for someone to drop out so i get a chance to get something for christmas