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Here is a new picture I recently finished:

Its Zelda in her new outfit form The Twilight Princess. There is no background cause I could not find nor make one to suit the picture XD I was going to have a tree, but I could not find the right tree picture on google, and I'm not good at drawing trees XD

Please comment and Do Not Steal This!


Holy **** that is good. In my opinion you should loose the leaves though. Apart from that its amazing.

Fool's Hope

In God We Trust
Very pretty! The coloring is excellent, and the print-like design above the rim of her dress is really cool.
Too bad you couldn't find a pic for the backround. That would have looked awesome.


Holy Drawing!!

Its incredible!! Nothing's wrong with it!
I love her dress <3 You are an excelent artist of d00m!


Bloody git
Holy cranberries. That is beautiful! =3
I love how the leaves sway in the picture. The leaves add a calm and peaceful feel to the picture. It reallt calmed my nerves. XD The way you color hair is amazing. I love how it shines and glistens. It really brings out her tiera/crown thing. The way the gold shimmers is terrific too.

This is truely wonderful. I love the effects you added as well as the outstanding color job. ^^
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Chaotic Dreamer
Thats amazing, so much detail. I love the Zelda games, too. Great job.



Beautiful. Zelda looks amazing! Good shading and colouring as well =3 I love her dress in the Twighlight Princess, ovarall, it's an awsome picture.

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
That's friggin awesome! I love it. Zelda is so pretty. I can't wait for Twilight Princess to come out..


The Original Shiny Pokemon
The picture is very well done... The only thing I would suggest that could be a bit touched up on was that her face seems a little crooked... Other then that it's really well done in general...


Well-Known Member
****.. you've done it perfectly and even with the little pattern at the bottom of the dress!! Perfect once again!
Sorry for the double post, but I redid the picture, and added a background:

With the new background comes a new meaning to the picture. Zelda is smiling as she looks at the bright leaves because its new life on a dead hill.

The background was drawn entirely by me.
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Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
Wow, that's a great picture! I love the background, and, well, it's such a beautiful pic! You're a great artist.


I luff the drawing! I thought Zelda had blonde hair though....*shrugs* I've only seen the first game (ocarina of time). I really like how you did her clothes, too. =)


"Just kidding!"
Oh wow! Hmm...her hair is blond though. Otherwise, she looks beautiful!
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