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ZOMG!!! game time has gone maximum!

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Proto Entity

Crystal Spike
okay..my game time has gone maximum..as in 99:59..couldn't it keep on going?


Beginning Trainer
WOW YOU HAVE PLAYED THAT ALOT. No offience. I bet if I never restarted my games thats probally what they would be.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, lets wait and see if it goes back to 0.

Mew King

It's black magic!
I thought it is 999:99:59, because I have over 500 hours in Pokemon Sapphire.


Well-Known Member
I thought it is 999:99:59, because I have over 500 hours in Pokemon Sapphire.
It does infact go past 100, so you're not actually maxed, though, congrats on that many hours. o.o


Master Breeder
999:59 is in fact the maximum, i know since i've hit it on sapphire.

i left it on overnight a few times, so sue me.

Proto Entity

Crystal Spike
OH...hehe..sorry guys..yeah it was 999:59....my kayboard doesn't work right...yeah same here..left it on overnight and it eventually turned off....that's why i hate the frontier with its saving..><


Well-Known Member
I've made it to 999:59, and I've never left my game overnight. :D


Exiled Entity
My friend's dad has 999:59 on one GBA catridge and over 430:00 on another. He spends all his free time on those games, yet he is not aware of the mechanics behind the game (EVs, IVs, Personality difference, etc).


The new tuxedo look!
I got 999:59 on both emerald and sapphire. I did do the ocean glitch with them for a week though once.


I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
I've made it to 999:59, and I've never left my game overnight. :D

you should not be allowed to play

My friend's dad has 999:59 on one GBA catridge and over 430:00 on another. He spends all his free time on those games, yet he is not aware of the mechanics behind the game (EVs, IVs, Personality difference, etc).

ROFL LMAO what an idiot, teach him a lesson, KO his whole team with one pokemon

me: 441 hours, but ive been breeding about 241 hours rest is frontier and still only one gold. So does the game die once it hits that point?


I've hit 375+ hours on my Emerald, as well as my Sapphire. Actual playing time might be 75% of that, considering that I do leave it on overnight by accident. :p

Proto Entity

Crystal Spike
well, it just keeps saving...until that point of internal battery..I HOPE THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN TO ME..i want my johto starter..T.T


At JAA so many people had it maxed out including me. Though I did leave it on overnight but I've made up those hours.
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