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I heard that a lot of people were stuck on him. well if u beat him and snagged his awesome zangoose on the first try then u can post ur strategy. i beat zook and zangoose by fire blasting zangoose wit my hondoum (sp) and it got down to red health. the rest was easy to beat.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
ShinyRedGyarados said:
I can't wait to get XD in 3 days!
no need to spam though... I cant wait either

Since I do not have XD I have not faced Zook yet, but when I do I will tell you


Stone Trainer
Talk about pot calling the kettle black! And now I'm doing it! I thought you couldn't snag the zangoose off zook first time because you didn't have the snagging machine.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
navel_fluff said:
Talk about pot calling the kettle black! And now I'm doing it! I thought you couldn't snag the zangoose off zook first time because you didn't have the snagging machine.
yeah that is what I though as well...


yeah u can't snag it the first time but when u get ur machine back and go to key lair zook will battle u for the last time and u can sang zangoose then.

uh, ShinyRedGyarados, DUDE UR SIG IS WAY TOO BIG IT WILL GET DELETED!!! i'm tryin to help- ur picture is way too big. read the rules and change it quick before ur sig gets deleted. just wanna help. and please don't spam ;)


I didn't snag Zangoose the first time, but it really wasn't of any difficulty to beat Zook. Double team the Zangoose with your Pokemon and chip away from there.

XD002 Icemewtwo

I beat Zook no problem all you do is have a high level pokemon like my Claydol and Espeon!


Moon Fennec Angel
Hey in the japanese version Jovi says uncle or something like that which seems to tick Zook off... what does uncle mean in jap all I know is it's supose to be rude.
that is when u first meet zook in gateon port and greevil -oops- Mr.Verich's men beat him up
I just wipe out his pokemon first and when it comes to his Zangoose I carefully hit it intill it gets to red HP and just snag it


I think it just means Jovi thinks Zook is old, sort of like calling a teenager 'pops' or something like that.
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