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  1. D

    Does anyone have a diancie

    I want a diancie, but I dont have the money to get the expansion pass, so if anyone with the expansion pass has a diancie (shiny doesnt matter I dont really like shinies) can we trade, I dont have any legendaries or shinies though so I hope that's fine, if anyone sees this the link code will be...
  2. X

    LF: Cheat-Free Diancie / FT: Events, IVs, Shinies, Rash Diancie

    LF: A cheat-free naive/hasty Diancie. So please no clones/RNG stuff/whatever. Just a regular Diancie (that you ideally got yourself). FT: Got lots of event PKMN, a couple of bred ones (I could breed more), and a few non-event shinies (careful Phantump, timid HA Eevee, jolly Alolan Meowth, mild...