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  1. d0mmyd

    TRADING GMAX FOR GMAX (or anything else you need)

  2. S

    Is there a Gmax Raid Battle Thread?

    Not sure if there is a thread for this (if mod could point me to it if it does exist would be great) but wanted to start/find a thread so people can say they have a specific gmax raid and then can post and set link codes? I have 5 gmax left to catch (not counting melmetal or toxtricity)
  3. Mario D. Solid

    |Den Shiny Store| Ditto 6IV, Gmax, Lucario, Espeon, Impidimp, Ponyta Galar...

    To trade (no pokemon in Great or Ultra ball): 1) The Big Gun: 3xCorviknight Gmax 6IV, Square Shiny, HA 4xDitto 6IV, Square Shiny, HA 1xEevee, 6IV, Shiny, HA 2) The Rare: 1xRunerigus, 4IV, Shiny Square 4xLucario, 4IV, Shiny, Inner Focus 2xOranguru, 6IV, Shiny, Symbiosis 1xUnfezant, 6IV, Shiny...
  4. X

    LF: Gmax Forms FT: Gmax Forms, Shiny, Ditto

    Hello. LF: Gmax forms of Manchamp, Gengar, Garbodor, Corviknight, Drednaw, Sandaconda, Centiskorch, Copperajah and Duraludon. FT: Gmax Coalossal, Flapple, Kingler, Grimmsnarl, Toxtricity Amped Shiny Japanese Heliolisk, Shiny English Snorlax and Ferroseed 6IV Japanese Ditto