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  1. C

    Houndoominite on Pokemon X

    Hi, Can anyone help me out with getting Houndoominite on my Pokemon X game? I recently decided to replay the game and I would love to use mega Houndoom. I do own Pokemon Y as well, so I have the stone, I just need a person that would be willing to help me out :) Thanks
  2. Little Miss Firebright


    Completed One-Shot - Rated T Indra Kerrigan is terrified of fire. Mauled by a one-eyed Charizard as a child, she bears terrible scars from her ordeal. And in a village that specializes in flames, she's never been at peace. To earn her freedom, she must take on the Trial by Fire, and travel...
  3. NebulaDreams

    Black Paint [The Manifold Curiosity]

    Hello, dear readers! I hope you've enjoyed my main fic The Curious and the Shiny so far! I've really enjoyed writing it myself, but I have been working on it continuously for months, so I thought it was high time to work on another project in between hiatuses, so I took one of my old ideas and...