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looking for pokemon

  1. A_TrainerPassingBy

    LF Let's Go Eevee exclusives & evolution trades

    Almost done with pokedex but need the following pokemon Ekans Vulpix Meowth Bellsprout Koffing Pinsir Of course i'll be trading let's go pikachu exclusives as well plus as a bonus i can catch ones with prefer natures if you want as all my mon's have competitive ready natures themselves just...
  2. Kyonlelouch

    LF: HA Vulpix

    Hey there, I'm looking for a Hidden Ability Vulpix/Ninetails. I am willing to negotiate a trade. Please DM me. *Edit: Already obtained one.
  3. Matthew V

    Looking for hidden ability Mudkip

    Hey guys I’m looking for a hidden ability mudkip for a Pokémon team, if anyone can breed one let me know, I can give hidden ability Dratini, Gible, Meowth with nightmare, hypnosis, dream eater,and substitute The meowth this will also have it’s hidden ability. I really want a mud Kip with Damp...