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new member

  1. Erotix

    Hello hello?

    Wasn't sure where to post this as there's no introduction forums that I can see, sorry about that. Just wanna say hi, I'm Dylan, I'm 26 as of today, and I've been playing Pokémon for about 20 years. Longer than some of you have been alive. God I feel old... I'm a new member. Well, not really...
  2. Kindoflame

    Including Bad Illustrations

    I am a new writer here and have a really great story to post. To be completely honestly, I think I have a shot at the Best New Writer Award as long as I post regularly. This is mostly because are only 5 new writers who have recently posted, so competition is light. Anyway, this is a goal I have...
  3. Gizmoduck

    200 pounds of rompant, stompin bombs

    Just kidding, but hello there, I am new. Long story short, I'm interested to make a lot of new friends, so don't be surprised if you find me on your profile! Can someone tell me the settings to remove automatically watching threads when I post too? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!