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  1. MadamMurloc

    Looking for Kabuto (LGE)

    Preferably to keep! I have an extra Omanyte and Aerodactyl but if you want something else let me know!
  2. canisaries

    Hunter, Haunted

    IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ: The version of Hunter, Haunted posted here is now outdated. For the up-to-date version, find it here on Thousand Roads. This thread will not be updated with the new versions of the chapters. Thank you for your attention. One full year after uploading the prologue of...
  3. canisaries


    Hi Serebii! I'm finally posting my first multiparter on here. This is Seiren, a complete rewrite of Agápe, an older story which I'd say I consider my first "serious" one. If you don't know me, and you likely don't: I'm Canis, and I write Twitch Plays Pokémon fanfiction. Now before you click...