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pokemon let’s go

  1. J


    I’m starting Pokemon Let’s Go and I found out you can’t get poliwag/poliwhirl until later in the game. He’s my favorite Pokémon of all time so I would really appreciate if someone could trade me one or an egg of one, either way works. I just wanna have him on my team from the beginning. Thanks...
  2. T

    Trade Help (Need Machamp, Golem, Koffing)

    Hello, I need three more Pokemon to complete my Pokédex. Anyone willing to trade their Machamp (or Machoke so that it evolves), Golem (or Graveler so that it evolves), or Koffing. I’m willing to send any other Pokémon you need! Thank you!
  3. T

    Looking for trade evolutions

    Hey guys, looking to trade to get the trade evolutions, gravler for gravler, machoke for machoke etc.
  4. P

    Shiny Trades! [Let's Go]

    Hi! Looking for: Shiny Pokemon, DM me with offers if you're insterested, or reply to this post. (Playgum#0355 on Discord) For trade: (All Shiny, All Lv. 100, except Rattata Lv. 94 and Weedle Lv. 95) Rapidash, Nidoking, Chansey, Beedrill, Venusaur, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Raticate, Raichu...
  5. A

    Need Help Evolving Haunter

    Hello and Happy Turkey Day all. If someone can spare a few minutes to help me evolve my Haunter into Gengar, it would be munched appreciated. I can help you with trade evolutions of your own as well!