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  1. Nikita Dracovish

    [Anime AU flashfiction] Charmed!, or, Times Square, November 1999 - thanks, Rachael

    A snapshot of the height of Pokemania, on the opening night of the first movie. Ash, Brock, Dismay, Red, Blue, even Gary -- when they owned the damn world. Some flashfiction I wrote while riding the high of San Diego Comic-Con and looping "Charmed" on repeat, tidied up and expanded a little in...
  2. D

    Looking for some fans to talk about the good ol' days

    Hey! Not sure if this is the right place for it, but I'd really like to make some new friends who grew up around the same era as me with Pokémon, preferably someone who loves the First and Second generation era. I've had a really nice time reconnecting with a lot of very old friends recently...
  3. SerGoldenhandtheJust

    TPCI Talks About Pokemon Adventures!

    https://t.co/tGaIdgSkzF?amp=1 Here is a trainer spotlight done by the Pokemon company on Red. Here they have a section for Pokemon Adventures where they accurately describe Reds original journey, how he's chattier, how the events are a bit darker and how he appears more often and matures. They...