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  1. Shadow_Trainer

    FT Blue-Stripe Carnavah and Shiny Stunfisk

    -FT- Blue-Stripe Basculin Shiny: No Pokeball: Premiere Nature: Adamant Gender: Male or Female Ability: Rockhead or Adaptability(Male only) Egg Move: Head Smash IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Stunfisk Nickname: Pancake Shiny: Yes Pokeball: Luxury Nature: Naughty Gender: Female Ability: Static Egg Move...
  2. Namohysip

    Prayers Unheard

    Hello, everyone! This is my entry for a 2019 one-shot competition over in bulba, but now that it's been a week, I'm publishing it here, too! I hope you enjoy. It's a bit more on the experimental side in terms of the premise, at least compared to the usual thing that I write. Though it might...
  3. NebulaDreams

    Black Paint [The Manifold Curiosity]

    Hello, dear readers! I hope you've enjoyed my main fic The Curious and the Shiny so far! I've really enjoyed writing it myself, but I have been working on it continuously for months, so I thought it was high time to work on another project in between hiatuses, so I took one of my old ideas and...