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  1. Skullera

    I am Looking for a grookey

    I only need grookey No requirements I have both sobble and scorbunny Am willing to max out their dynamax levels for you and provide a sword exclusive tart apple or a wishing stone (if you also play on sword ) Current level of sobble I have is 19 ( will go up as I continue playing )...
  2. Skullera

    Trading starters

    Not sure if I’m posting this in the correct thread but here it goes. Wish to trade a: None shiny sobble dynamax level 10, skill torent, gender male Item holding tart apple Looking for a grookey no requirements Please inbox if interested thank you
  3. A

    Looking for scorbunny and grookey

    Have 2 sobbles for trade just hatched
  4. P

    LF: Sobble (or its evolution)

    That's it, that's the last thing I need. Trading for Grookey or Scorbunny
  5. Emboar_Rulez

    Sobble and Grookey help.

    H eh does anyone have a spare Sobble and or Grookey that they are willing to trade me?I can’t trade a Scorbunny or a fast/moon ball for them as well.
  6. d0mmyd


    Looking for these shield exclusives down below Post which exclusive you have to trade & which starter you would like in return (all starters are 5/6 IV) & i will PM you my IGN and trade code. Sableye Oranguru Drampa Solosis Thanks!