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  1. X

    Would it be awesome if all of Ash’s previous companions come to the masters 8 final?

    I had that thought for a long while after some events, from a speculation video by the pokeraf and artwork of them together by Legacy3211, to the episodes leading up to the masters 8 tournament and the recent tournament episodes. I think it would be an amazing moment where all of Ash’s...
  2. ImBeVillain

    Would you watch new episode about Ash get training with Iris and Alain before semifinal/final?

    Iris and Alain are close friends of Ash, so it would be nice if there was a new episode focusing on training together before fighting Cynthia or even Leon. As long as there should be several episodes with a break between the rounds of the tournament. For example: Ep. 118 - Ash vs Steven Ep. 119...
  3. 1

    Noob EV Training for Support Orbeetle

    Hello, I am looking for how I should spend the ev for a gmax orbeetle that I would like to use in Duo's as a support role. Here are the stats: Orbeetle IV: x/31/31/31/x/31 (will hyper train them) EV: 0 spent Ability: Telepathy Nature: +Sp. Attack, - Attack I am thinking of arraying the EV as...
  4. P

    Tyrantrum moveset

    I have just recently hatched a shiny tyrunt and plan to evolve him into tyrantrum but he has a bold nature what would be the best moveset for him I named him grape juice I'm wierd thank you for taking the time to read this I really appreciate it.
  5. PokemonBattleFanatic-

    Which Trainer(s) do you think trains their Pokemon the hardest?

    (Excluding Champions/Elite Four/Frontier Brains/Gym Leaders) Which trainer or trainers do you think give their pokemon the most amount of training to make them stronger based on their team as a whole and their battles?